Dairy animal husbandry: problems and decisions

In article the analysis of problems arisen in the last 5 years is provided in dairy cattle breeding of public sector of an autonomy. The author stops on negative consequences of a situation, offers ways of their decision.

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For the last five years for the objective and subjective reasons the dairy cattle breeding of public sector of the Autonomous Republic Crimea underwent negative changes.

Number of cows in agricultural enterprises of the republic decreased from 31,5 thousand heads in 2004 to 10,7 thousand heads in 2007 or for 66 %.

The greatest decrease in a livestock allowed in farms Soviet (for 50 %), Dzhankoysky (for 33,3 %), Belogorsky (on 25 %), Pervomaisk (for 20,0 %) areas, and completely liquidated number of cows in the Krasnoperekopsky area.

On two – three agricultural enterprises, engaged in dairy cattle breeding, remained in Bakhchsarai, Kirovsk, the Soviet, Belogorsky, Nizhnegorsky, Black Sea areas with the number which is not exceeding 100 cows. Only in 6 of 175 the agricultural enterprises of the Autonomous Republic Crimea contain 400 cows and more.

The situation which has developed in dairy cattle breeding has negative consequences:

– ground resources of an autonomy aren’t updated because of deficiency of organic fertilizers, operation and increase in specific weight of grain crops and sunflower that reduces fertility of the earth and its cost thus proceeds;

– there is a serious threat of competitiveness of a dairy source of raw materials of the Crimea at accession to WTO;

-  the branch "grows old" physically and morally because of low level of mechanization of productions, lack of milking machines of new generation and became unattractive for youth.

The cabinet council of Ukraine adopted the resolution from March 1, 2007 of No. 348 About the statement of the Order of use in 2007 of means provided in the government budget for animal husbandry development by which it is provided the special grant to agricultural enterprises for a gain of a livestock of cows (at a rate of 1000 UAH. on the head), for purchase of netel and dairy cows (3000 UAH on the head) and for a gain of a livestock of cows to the farms having 400 and more cows (3000 UAH on the head).

Mastered the allocated state grant only 10 agricultural enterprises in which the gain of cows made 402 heads and one of farms bought 46 netel.

Didn’t take measures for development of the special grant of agricultural enterprise of the Bakhchsarai, Belogorsky, Dzhankoysky, Kirov, Krasnoperekopsky, Nizhnegorsky, Soviet, Simferopol and Black Sea areas.

The council of ministers of the Autonomous Republic Crimea undertakes effective measures for performance of problems of the public policy which decision will lead to stabilization and further development of the dairy cattle breeding, put by the resolution of Council of ministers of the Autonomous Republic Crimea No. 515 adopted on October 10, 2006 About prospects of development of dairy cattle breeding.

L.Kurtseva, head of department of the organization of production and marketing of production of animal husbandry and fishery.