Certificates of temporary disability

The letter of Executive management of Social insurance fund on temporary disability in which it is explained that the certificate offered by Ministry of Health of temporary disability instead of a leaf of disability isn’t the basis for calculation of the insurance size of a grant.


The letter of Executive management of Social insurance fund on temporary disability from 31.08.06 of No. 01-16-1788

In connection with the numerous addresses from ispolyonitelny managements of offices of Fund, trade-union associations, insurers and the insured persons concerning issue of references on a temporary netrudoyosposobnost and about a procedure of charge and temporary disability benefit payment according to these references we report.

According to point 1 of article 51 of the Law of Ukraine About obligatory state social insurance in connection with temporary loss of a trudospoyosobnost and the expenses caused by the birth and burial from 18.01.01 of No. 2240-Iiiosnovaniy for purpose of a grant on a temporary netrudospoyosobnost, on pregnancy and childbirth the netrudosposobyonost leaf therefore offered by Ministry of Health sprav­ka about temporary disability isn’t the basis for calculation by the insurer of the size of a grant and granting it at the expense of means of obyoshcheobyazatelny state social insurance is vydanyony in accordance with the established procedure. Granting temporary disability benefit is possible only after obme­na references on leaves of disability of an ustanovlenyony sample.

For the purpose of ensuring the right of the insured persons on svoyeyovremenny receiving a grant on a temporary netrudosyoposobnost, on pregnancy and childbirth by Executive management of Fund letters were sent to Cabinet council of Ukraine, the Ministry of Labour and sotsialyyony policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Federation of trade unions and Federation of raboyotodatel of Ukraine concerning acceleration of the solution of a question of the printing of forms of leaves of disability and prevention further to a situation with their absence in treatment-and-prophylactic institutions.

(On Balans-Agro newspaper materials).