In this article the order of registration of the enterprises in fund of protection of disabled people is stated: Who should be registered? What terms of registration? What are necessary documents?
To that the enterprises and business owners with staff from 8 and more workers should report before Social Security Fund of disabled people (further – fund), everything already got used. Now these enterprises are obliged to become also on the account in Fund. We also will tell about an order of such registration in our consultation.
On the basis of what it is carried out?
Let’s remind, the obligation of the enterprises to be registered in Fund is entered since January 1, 2006, from the date of coming into effect of the changes brought in the Law No. 875*. At the same time the order of registration wasn’t defined.
And only this year there was a relevant document. The resolution KMU from 31.01.07 of No. 70 About implementation of articles 19 and 20 of the Law of Ukraine About bases of social security of disabled people in Ukyorain approved the Order of registration in Fund (further – the Order), come into force since 12.02.07.
Who should be registered?
Let’s repeat once again: according to Law No. 875 Art. 19 registrirovatsya in Fund those are obliged only a predpriyoyatiya and business owners for whom in staff 8 and more people work.
To make it they should in Fund offices on mestu to the state registration.
What terms of registration?
• For again created enterprises and private predyoprinimatel – not later than within 10 rayobochy days after the state registration.
In this case confuses that circumstance that during the specified period at the enterprise still can not be hired workers, and the duty registrirovatsya in Fund already is. But, as it was already told, regiyostratsiya are subject only those enterprises and business owners for which works 8 and more chelovek (item 1 of the Order and Law No. 875 Art. 19).
• For other enterprises and private predprinimayotel – within 10 working days since the moment a priyonyatiya of the 8th worker.
• To those enterprises at which at date of Order coming into effect in staff 8 and more rayobotnik already are registered, we consider it necessary to be registered in Fund immediately.
Statement date date of submission of documents in Fund office is considered, and at their transfer by mail – the date specified on a postage stamp (Order item 4).
What are necessary documents?
For registration employers submit to Fund office personally or send the registered mail:
1) the statement in a form approved by the Order No. 98 **;
2) a copy of the certificate on state registration of the yuridiyochesky person or the individual – a predprinimayotel (further – the certificate);
3) a copy of the reference on inclusion in the register of the nepriyobylny establishments, the nalogoyovy service given out by body.
Attention! This copy the predyopriyatiya, establishments represent only, the organizations (including a predyopriyatiya and the organizations of public organizations of disabled people) which completely contain at the expense of means state or local budgets;
4) data on the isolated divisions on
to the form, approved Ministry of Labor.
Attention! Such data are submitted by the employers having specified divisions.
Let’s separately tell about economic obedineniyax, created according to Law No. 875 Art. 19. Except the statement, certificate and reference copies they represent:
• copy of the foundation agreemtn and/or hozobjedineniye charter;
• the list of the enterprises which were a part of a hozobjedineniye, in a form, approved Ministry of Labor;
• copies of certificates of the enterprises which have entered in sostav of a hozobjedineniye.
To data: if documents for registration are eaten personally, it is necessary to show also them originaly. Copies of the documents sent by mail, should be certified notarially.
Within 10 working days after registration the otdeyoleniye of Fund sends to the employer custom-made pisyyomy the corresponding notice which form is approved by the Order No. 98.
And in summary we will please readers with a pleasant inforyomatsiya:
• the enterprises and business owners registriruyutsya in Fund it is free;
• for untimely registration and for its absence responsibility isn’t provided.
* the Law of Ukraine from 21.03.91 of No. 875-XII About bases of social security of disabled people in Ukraine.
** The order of Ministry of Labor from 14.03.07 of No. 98 About the statement of forms of documents for registration of employers in offices of Social Security Fund of disabled people and performance of the standard of workplaces by them for employment of disabled people.
order M_n_sterstva praci that sots_alno ї
politiki Ukra§ni vid 14.03.07 roubles No. 98
Form No. 1
about reyestraciyu robotodavcya at viddilenni to Fund sots_alny to a zakhist invalidiv
Naymenuvannya robotodavciv ____________________________________________________
M_stseznakhodzhennya (M_sets prozhivannya): __________________________________________
Poshtovy indeks ___________________ Kra§na _____________________________________
Area ______________________________________________________________________
Area ___________________________ M_sto (village / selishhe) ____________________________
Vulicya _______________________________________________________________________
Budinok _______________________ Case _______________________ Of_s / apartment ______
* T_lki for p_dpri¾mstvo majestic to sector.
Look ekonom_chno ї diyalnost i_________________________________________
Form vlasnost i___________________________________________________
Organ_zats_yno-pravova form gospodaryuvannya _________________________
M_n_sterstvo, _nshy tsentralny body, yaky pidporyadkovana organ_zats_ya-respondent _____________________________________________________________________________
Form finansuvannya __________________________________________________________
Code that nazva to body upravlinnya ________________________________________________
Bankivski rekviziti IFI ___________________________ R/R ________________________
Bank ________________________________________________________________________
Ker_vnik: pr_zvishche, im’ya, on batkovi ___________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________ fax _________________________________
Golovny the accountant (the accountant chi insha the person, on a yak pokladeno obov’yazki z vedennya accounting obliku):
pr_zvishche, im’ya, on batkov i_________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________ fax _______________________________
Kilkist pratsyuyuchy zg_dno zi shtatny rozklady for a moment uzyattya on oblik ____________ z them invalidiv _____________________
To declare dodayutsya: ______________________________________________________
____________________ river Ker_vnik _________________________
(pidpis, Item I. B.)
item m.
Vikonaveets _____________________ Golovny accountant _________________
(pidpis, Item I. B.) (pidpis, Item I. B.)
The director to Department at spravax invalidiv I. TARABUKINA.