The concept of priority development of agrarian sector of economy and social development of the village in ARK for 2006-2008 is approved by the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of ARK from February 22, 2006 of No. 1581-4/06.
FOR 2006 – 2008
According to point 1 of a part 1 of article 137 of the Constitution of Ukraine, point 2 of a part 1 of article 18 of Konstiyotutsiya of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, point 1 of a part 1 of article 3 of the Law of Ukraine About the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, in response to the Law of Ukraine About the basic principles of a gosudarstvenyony agrarian policy for the period till 2015 and resolutions Verkhovyona Rady of the Autonomous Republic Crimea from December 24, 2005 of No. 1534 – 4/05 About priority of development of agrarian sector ekonomiki and social development of the village in the Autonomous Republic Crimea for 2006 – 2008 the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic Crimea decides:
1. To approve the Concept of prioriyotetny development agrarian sektora economy and social a razviyotiya sat down in the Autonomous Republic Crimea for 2006 – 2008 (further – the Concept) (is attached).
2. To council of ministers Independent
The Republic of Crimea annually razrabatyvat and to approve the plan of meropyoriyatiya on implementation of the Concept.
3. To council of ministers of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, regional gosuyodarstvenny administrations in Avyotonomna to the Republic of Crimea by preparation of drafts of the budget the Republic of Crimea by Avyotonomna and mesyotny budgets for 2006 – 2008 to provide funds for a finanyosirovaniye of the plans of measures on implementation of the Concept.
4. Control over the implementation of the nayostoyashchy resolution to assign to the Constant commission Verkhovyona Rady of the Autonomous Republic Crimea on the agrarian and land questions, ecology and racionalnomu to environmental management.
5. The present resolution vvoditsya in action from the moment of acceptance.
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic Crimea B. DEITCH.
Simferopol, on February 22, 2006, No. 1581 – 4/06.
It is approved as the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic Crimea from February 22, 2006 of No. 1581 – 4/06
1. Justification of development of the Concept of priority development of agrarian sector of economy and social development of the village in the Autonomous Republic Crimea for 2006 – 2008
Justification of development of the Concept of priority development of agrarian sector of economy and social development of the village in the Autonomous Republic Crimea for 2006 – 2008 (further – the Concept) is the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic Crimea from December 24, 2005 of No. 1534-4/05 “About priority of development of agrarian sector of economy and social development of the village in the Autonomous Republic Crimea for 2006 – 2008.
2. Normative legal acts and the materials used
when developing the Concept
When developing the Concept were ispolzovany the following normative legal acts and materials:
The law of Ukraine from October 17, 1990 of No. 400-HP About priority of social development of the village and agroindustrial kompleksa in a national economy of Ukraine;
The law of Ukraine from June 24, 2004 of No. 1877-IV O to the state support of agricultural industry of Ukraine;
The law of Ukraine from October 18, 2005 of No. 2982-IV About the basic principles of the state agrarian policy for the period till 2015;
the order of Cabinet council of Ukrayoina from December 21, 2005 of No. of 536-R About approval of the Concept Complex programmy supports of development of the Ukrainian village for 2006 – 2010;
Scientifically reasonable system a zemledeyoliya of the Republic of Crimea / under edition of a proyofessor of E.V. Nikolaev, the professor of Accusative of Gordiyenko / the Crimean SHI; Crimean nauchyono-production association "Eliyota". – Simferopol: Redotdel, 1994. – 351 p.;
Scientific justification of the main napravyoleniye of development agroindustrial kompleksa the Crimea in the conditions of market proizyovodstva/the Edition E.V. Nikolaev. – Simferopol: Tavriya, 2004. – 312 p.
3. Need of development
Need of development of the Concept is caused by the following factors:
unsystematic character and not integrated approach of a razyoresheniye of problems of an agrarian reform, first of all in introduction of new organizational and legal forms of managing, an otsutyostviye corresponding financial ekonomicheskix mechanisms;
ignoring of problems of development of selsyoky territories in the course of agrarian transyoformatsiya, lack of the weighed gosuyodarstvenny policy of development of the village and meyokhanizm of its realization;
lack of consistent gosudaryostvenny policy on support of parity of the prices that causes a constant nedoyostatok of financial resources and ogranichivaet activity and development of selskokhoyozyaystvenny producers;
slow formation of the financial and credit relations, and also sozdayony establishments and the organizations for an obsluyozhivaniye of agrarian sector of economy and rural population;
insufficient development infrastruktur agrarian market and lack of vzveyoshenny public policy of a podyoderzhka, creation and development of kooperativyony and other associations of selskokhozyayyostvenny producers;
insufficient export promotion of agricultural production and proyodovolstvenny goods.
Development of the Concept is necessary:
for ensuring growth of volumes of a proizyovodstvo of an agricultural produkyotsiya in the Autonomous Republic Crimea for fuller satisfaction potrebnoyosty the population of the region and citizens, priyobyvayushchy on improvement and treatment, in food, and also the pererabatyyovayushchy enterprises – in selskokhozyayyostvenny raw materials;
ensuring steady maintaining agricultural production in market conditions of managing;
ensuring stabilization and postoyanyony improvement of socio-economic indexes of development agropromyshlennogo complex;
restoration of the social sphere of the village, growth in volumes of rendering of soyotsialno-household and cultural services to rural population.
4. Concept purposes
Concept purposes:
basis creation for development of plans of social and economic development of agro-industrial complex and the sotsialyyony sphere of the village on 2006 and the next years;
analysis of a current state of selyyoskokhozyaystvenny production, pereyorabotka of an agricultural produkyotsiya, sales markets of selskokhozyaystvenyony production and products of its pererayobotka;
cost (monetary) assessment of proizyovedenny and realized selskokhozyayyostvenny production and products of its pereyorabotka;
development of actions on an obespecheyoniya of rational placement of selskoyokhozyaystvenny production on a terriyotoriya of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, a proyoizvodstvo ecologically safe selyyoskokhozyaystvenny production and food;
increase of level of a social sostoyoyaniye of rural population and ensuring needs of inhabitants of the village in sotsialyyono-household and cultural service to level of urban population Avtonomyona of the Republic of Crimea.
Main objectives priority a razviyotiya of agrarian sector of economy and sotsiyoalny development of the village in the Autonomous Republic Crimea for 2006 – 2008 – providing the Autonomous Republic Crimea in sufficient volumes of proizvoyodimy agricultural production and food, revival of the social sphere of the village for zhiznedeyatelnosti rural population, providing a soyozdaniye of basis of a sustainable development and a funyoktsionirovaniye of an economic complex of the Autonomous Republic Crimea.
Realization of the following tasks is necessary for providing main objectives of prioriyotetny development of agrarian sector ekonomiki and social development of the village in Avtoyonomna for 2006 – 2008 for the Republic of Crimea:
the economic:
strengthening of an economic role of an agroproyomyshlenny complex in an economic complex of the Autonomous Republic Crimea;
increase economic effektivnosti activity of subjects of hozyaystvenyony activity of all forms sobstvennosti on the village;
growth in volumes of production of selyyoskokhozyaystvenny production in the fresh and processed look for fuller requirements satisfaction of the population in food;
increase in receipts from deyatelnosti agrarian sector of economy and funktsioyonalno the related branches of a hozyayyostvenny complex of an autonomy in byudzhety all levels;
the social:
creation of new workplaces in agraryony sector of economy, the social sphere of the village and in functionally related branches of an economic complex Avtoyonomna of the Republic of Crimea;
providing effective an ispolzovayoniya of ground and natural resources for production of an agricultural proyoduktsiya and food;
the ecological:
effective use of ground, wood and water resources as most important part of natural and resource capacity of the Crimea, their restoration;
minimization of a negative vozdeyyostviye of agrarian sector of economy on a soyostoyaniye of surrounding environment, priyorodny resources and a state of health of a nayoseleniye of the region.
5. Ways and ways of solution of problems of agrarian sector of economy and social development of the village
Implementation of the Concept will be osushhestvlyatsya a way of improvement of ekonoyomichesky mechanisms of managing and strengthening of the state and respublikanyosky support of development of an agropromyshlenyony complex and rural territories.
Actions for the sleduyoyushchy directions will be developed for implementation of provisions of the Concept:
development of the sphere of production:
ensuring performance of look-ahead poyokazatel of development of agro-industrial complex;
support of production of selskokhozyayyostvenny production from the budget Avtonomyona of the Republic of Crimea and local budgets;
introduction of scientifically reasonable systems of maintaining an agricultural proizvodyostvo;
essential increase produktivnosti animals and a bird on a basis an ukrepleyoniya of food supply, development of the kombikormoyovy industry, improvement of a kacheyostvenny condition of a livestock and an aktiviyozatsiya of selection and breeding work;
providing the population meat resursami at the expense of acceleration of development of a ptitsevodyostvo, a svinovodstvo and sheep breeding;
introduction of progressive energosbereyogayushchy technologies;
financial support of production of competitive selskokhozyaystvenyony equipment, development on the cooperative beginnings of infrastructure of agroproduction services at the expense of budget funds of the Autonomous Republic Crimea;
preservation and restoration of okruzhayuyoshchy environment, decrease in antropoyogenny influence on it, creation of blagopriyoyatny conditions for activity, ensuring ecological safety;
development of the ground relations and managing forms:
providing a steady funktsioniroyovaniye of meliorative systems, improvement of a condition and efficiency of use of the reclaimed lands;
withdrawal stimulation from intensivnogo usings of the degraded, maloproyoduktivny and technogenic polluted selyyoskokhozyaystvenny grounds;
protection and restoration of fertility of soils, including with use of mestyony mineral resources;
formation and functioning rynka lands agricultural a naznacheyoniya with ensuring protection of the rights subektov the market;
development of a competitive zemleyopolzovaniye on the basis of cooperation, intenyosifikatsiya, concentration and specializations of production and the partner proizvodyostvenny relations;
development of the agrarian market:
formation and development infrastruktury agrarian market;
creation of system information analiticheskogo providing participants of the agrarian market, improvement statistiki and forecasting;
improvement of forms of realization of agricultural production;
assistance of export activity of agricultural tovaroproizvodiyotel;
training and development of informayotsionny service for agrarian sector ekonomiki:
training for a rural hozyayyostvo under republican and local zakazy, retraining and increase of a kvalifiyokatsiya of specialists of branch of an agropromyshyolenny complex;
creation uniform information spravochnoj systems in agroindustrial komplekse, including subsystems investiyotsionno attractive objects;
development of information service and vneyodreniye of achievements of scientific and technical progress and best practices;
safety of a food and production of qualitative production:
introduction of a control system by a kacheyostvo of production of agricultural production of foodstuff;
stimulation of expansion of a proizvodyostvo of non-polluting production in an agyoropromyshlenny complex;
management improvement:
development of system of economic proyofessionalny and interprofessional organizations with the corresponding polnoyomochiya with a view of protection and a sbalansirovayoniya of interests of their participants and osvobozhdeyony executive authorities from not functions peculiar to them;
activity of local oreganos of the executive authority on sovershenyostvovany carrying out the strategic analysis, forecasting, monitoring and implementation of control functions;
village development:
ensuring complex, mnogofunktsiyoonalny development of rural territories;
orientation of work of the Ministry of agraryony policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea and other executive authorities of the Autonomous Republic Crimea and regional public administrations in Avtoyonomna to the Republic of Crimea on udovletvoreyony requirements of rural population, an akyotivizatsiya of an initiative of bulks and local government bodies on development infrastruktury sat down;
providing reliable the funktsionirovayoniya of a social infrastructure sat down in noyovy economic conditions;
creation of conditions for expansion of the sphere of employment on the village on the basis of effekyotivny use of prirodoresursny capacity of rural territories, stiyomulirovany developments of a predprinimatelyyostvo both in agricultural industry, and in nonagricultural types of a deyatelyyonost;
ensuring essential increase of level of the income and improvement of social protection of rural population;
alignment of conditions zhiznedeyatelnosti urban and rural population, foryomirovany networks of the enterprises, establishments and the organizations which will be predostavlyat necessary services to a rural naseyoleniye;
fixing stimulation on the village of experts of agricultural industry, an obrayozovaniye, culture, health care, a zhiyolishchno-municipal and household obsluzhiyovaniye;
creation of attractive conditions for work and residence of youth in the rural zone;
expansion of powers of rural bulks according to the solution of problems of activity of the population;
computerization of village councils, education and health protection uchyorezhdeniye with ensuring access to the Internet;
financial and investment obespecheyony:
implementation of precautionary measures for prevention of deterioration of conditions of a naloyogooblozheniye of agricultural tovayoroproizvoditel in case of change of the nayologovy legislation;
improvement of the interbranch ekoyonomichesky relations;
development of monetary, credit and neyobankovsky institutions and the organizations in agyorarny sector of economy;
development of the market of insurance of a proizvodyostvo of agricultural production;
support of implementation of investment projects of a republican and local znayocheniye on the village.
6. Financing sources
Financing of actions of the Concept will be carried out at the expense of means of budgets of all levels, the enterprises, inyovestor, the credits of commercial banks and other sources.
7. Final provisions
On the basis of provisions of the Concept look-ahead indicators of development of agro-industrial complex and the social sphere of the village will be developed for formation of annual plans of social and ekonomiyochesky development of the Autonomous Republic Crimea.