In 44 times dneprovsky water came

In the publication it is a question of the next arrival of dneprovsky water to the Crimea and the first as always accepted it the irrigating network Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management. This management also carries out water supply to May Day, Razdolnensky and Saksky areas. Special concern in employees of management is caused by use of irrigated lands by agricultural producers and farms since in their 2006 only 43 % poured down.
Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management has possibility to render service not only in water supply, but also in cleaning of an intraeconomic irrigating network by excavators, makes production of technological and design and budget documentation, design, construction new and reconstruction of existing meliorative systems.


On April 12, 2007 after the autumn and winter preparatory period the next start-up of water to the North Crimean canal was made. Having overcome hundreds kilometers, dneprivsky water came to the Crimea. On April 16 Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management of the first accepted water in the irrigating network for the subsequent distribution it on systems of an irrigation of lands of agricultural enterprises, farms and the individuals who are engaged in cultivation of crops, tre6uyushhix watering.

Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management was formed in 1963 for service of 37 thousand hectares of irrigated lands. Two subjects serve: The Krasnoperekopsky area with the area – 33668 hectares. irrigation and farmlands Armyanska Square of 3358 hectares. irrigation.

Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management also carries out water supply to May Day, Razdolnensky and Saksky areas, in the Intermountain reservoir on drinking, needs of inhabitants of the cities and the settlements of the Crimea.

In 2006 to May Day UVH 28,2 million m of water, to Management of the Connecting channel – 116,1 million, water m3, Razdolnensky – 116,5 million m3 of water were submitted, Krasnoperekopsky UVH carried out a water water intake in volume of 370,3 million m3.

Own forces Krasnoperekopsky UVH is carried out by works on restoration of a network of irrigation canals, capital and maintenance of pump stations and hydraulic engineering constructions. As well as many organizations, management are endured by a difficult period of restoration and at the same time develops the activity in a services sector. Cleaning of channels of silt deposits, partial repair of facing of ropes, replacement of panel board locks, repair and audit pump and power, and also the equipment regulating water supply is annually made. It allows to submit water to farms freely, in time and in necessary quantity. Repairs of buildings of pump stations and hydraulic engineering constructions, Tak are all the year round carried out, during the preparatory period of 2006-2007 is cleared, 16,1 thousand. the m3 of deposits of silt on an intereconomic meliorative network, is carried out maintenance of 24 hydraulic engineering constructions, 19 pump stations, 5 hydroposts, 49 units pump power – electro – regulating and a drugogooborudovaniye are repaired. The total area of preparation made 21,11 thousand hectares.

Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management has possibility to render service not only in water supply, but also in cleaning of an intraeconomic irrigating network by excavators, makes production of technological and design and budget documentation, design, construction new and reconstruction of existing meliorative systems.

In 2006, unfortunately, irrigated lands served by Krsnoperekopsky UVH were used by agricultural enterprises and farms for 67 %, and only 43 % poured down from them.

Difficult situation and in mutual settlements for consumed water. So for example, two agricultural enterprises of ChSP "Field" and KFH "Agris" within several years and so far didn’t extinguish debt of 199,6 thousand UAH. and 17,7 thousand, UAH. respectively. These money could be spent for acquisition of construction materials, fuel and the equipment, repair work necessary for carrying out on an irrigating network, elimination of malfunctions and increases of reliability of irrigating system as costs of its operation and repair are very great. Nevertheless in Krasnoperekopska management of a water management will support the irrigating network at the proper level.

Now sharply there is a question of staffing. The matter is that in management words the experts having a huge experience and experience in this sphere work literally, but the experience in full volume to transfer to young generation they not in forces as this generation in management practically is absent. The youth reluctantly goes to work to this sphere, prefers to go in for economy, finance, business and trade.

Despite a hard time endured during the period from 1992 to 2001 when for the sake of a profit thefts of the equipment and metals were made, pump stations, hydraulic engineering constructions were put out of action, the intereconomic and intraeconomic meliorative network, to the staff of Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management was possible not only to keep property, but also partially to restore pazgrablennoe, for what to them in I express iskpennyuyu gratitude. It is possible to tell, as this year the objects being on balance of Krasnoperekopsky UVH, were exposed to attack from robbers who manage not so much to earn, how many to do much harm. After all because of couple of kgs of metal they break out in the barbarous way grooving designs of panel board locks completely and partially, damaging bearing ferro-concrete designs, and their restoration difficult and labor-intensive process. Thus cost of recovery operations is much higher some that metal which was stolen.

It would be desirable, that all krymchane understood, what important role is played in our life by water as those people who give the chance to us to use this water understand that.

On the threshold of a professional holiday of Day of workers of a water management the staff of Krasnoperekopsky management of a water management warmly congratulates the colleagues and workers of a water economic complex of the Autonomous Republic Crimea sends sincere wishes of wellbeing, a good health and big labor successes.

Century MASLYANIK, acting chief engineer of Krasnoperekopsky UVH.