Scientific providing branches of animal husbandry

Article P. Ostapchuk, candidate of agricultural sciences, manager. by laboratory of animal husbandry of the APP UAAN Crimean institute it is devoted to selection of KRS, pigs and the sheep, laboratory carried out by collective.


The problem of providing the population of Ukraine products pitaniyav can be solved the next years by a way of introduction of new and perspective scientific techniques to work of branches of animal husbandry. On a global scale there is a continuous process of improvement of productive qualities of agricultural animals by wide application of the following methods: artificial insemination, biotechnological methods of reproduction of the best breeding material, designing and creation of new genotypes of animals.

The intensification of selection process accelerates rates of replacement or absorption of a noncompetitive breeding material which local (native) breeds first of all are. Owing to such process a natural variety of animals promptly decreases. For the solution of these questions efforts of scientists also are directed.

In laboratory of animal husbandry of the Crimean institute of agroindustrial production of UAAN four subjects are carried out: rub – on selection of agricultural animals and one – on feeding. In laboratory seven people, including four – the employee work: one doctor of agricultural sciences – the leading research associate and one candidate of agricultural sciences.

Cattle selection. As a result of long-term work of scientists of the APP UAAN Crimean institute in 2005 there was an order No. 360/75 from August 3, 2005 about the statement of new breed – the Ukrainian red dairy and its intra pedigree structural formations (drawing 1). As the coordinator of works the Institute of cultivation and genetics of animals (Kiev) acts. The breed history in the Crimea begins with the XX century middle, when the doctor of page – x. A.P.Polkovnikova’s sciences developed a technique of creation of zhirnomolochny herds. Then, till 2003, over creation of the Crimean zone type the candidate of page worked – x. L.A.Pilipenko’s sciences.

The Ukrainian red dairy breed was created on the basis of combinations of red steppe breed and foreign dairy breeds: red Danish, red and motley golshtinsky and anglersky also unites in itself fitness to droughty conditions of a steppe zone of Ukraine and the high dairy efficiency inherited from ancestors of an import livestock. In table 1 efficiency only some cows of breeding kernels of breeding farms of the Crimea is presented: a pilot farm of the APP Crimean institute, gosplemzavody "Crimean", of Frunze and "Wide".

In 2006, in our laboratory, on the basis of spreadsheets of Excelbyla the program of an assessment of breeding qualities of cows is developed. This assessment is based on a basis of the existing instruction on a bonitirovka of cattle and allows to state in the end of the year a complex assessment to each cow on productive and technological indicators.

1. Efficiency of cows of selection groups of the Crimean zone type of the Ukrainian red dairy breed

Selection of pigs. Process of continuous growth of a proizvodyostvo of pork takes place in many countries of the world and the priority in world production of meat belongs to a svinovodstvo. Thanks to the exclusive biological features (to high precocity and a mnogoplodiya, to effective use of forages, pantophagy, intensive growth) pigs considerably advance other species of pets.

The subsequent building of volume of production of pork is necessary for carrying out not so much at the expense of growth of a livestock of pigs, but, generally at the expense of transition to intensive methods of maintaining branch and use of new breeds and genotypes which promote substantial increase of efficiency of animals. In an industrial svinovodstvo interpedigree crossing should become widely applied. So, the effect geterozisa when crossing in the first generation gives the guaranteed increase of productive qualities of feeding young growth for 10-15 %. As a rule, as parent breed large white breed, and fatherly – landras the Ukrainian selection, a dyurok, Ukrainian meat, Poltava meat etc. acts.

In our laboratory since 2006 work on selection of pigs is conducted. As the coordinator of works the svinovodstvo Institute of A.V.Kvasnitsky (Poltava) acts.

At the present stage of pig-breeding branch of the Crimea work of stations is almost stopped according to breeding animals on own efficiency and on efficiency of descendants. In this regard, specialists of Institute of a svinovodstvo offered the modified technique control otkorma which allows without essential expenses to estimate checked male pigs and sows on quality of posterity is direct in an economy. We in 2006 carried out work on introduction of this technique to production. Daily average prirosty on control fatten at pigs averaged 639 g. Pledge of such high indicators was line installation on production of compound feeds from own grain in pilot farm KIAPP.

Selection in sheep breeding. Since 1932 specialists of gosplemzavod "Black Sea" are engaged in cultivation of thoroughbred tsigaysky sheep. For today the selection and breeding kernel of sheep of this breed makes 600 ewes. Experts of an economy and scientists, aspiring to preserve tsigaysky breed in purity, conduct purposeful permanent job with herd. According to conditions of feeding and the contents the desirable type of tsigaysky sheep – the myasosherstny direction of efficiency is defined. Animals of the strong constitution, with dense skin, the strong facilitated frame and good fitness for cultivation in the conditions of hot droughty climate of the South of Ukraine. Fixing of desirable type is conducted by a method of thoroughbred linear cultivation, and also with use of new methods of profound selection of a factory kernel. Selection of animals is carried out repeatedly. The best individuals on efficiency get out during bonitirovka: at an otbivka from a uterus, at year and two-year age. This work is coordinated by Institute of animal husbandry of steppe areas of M.F.Ivanov "Askaniya-Nova" (pgt Askaniya-Nova of the Kherson area).

Special value is given to selection of manufacturing rams, their feeding and the contents. Rams are annually checked on reproductive ability and quality of posterity with attraction of modern computer programs on the basis of Excel spreadsheets.

Rams are characterized by live mass of 100-110 kg, nastrigy washed wool – 5,0 – 5,5 kg, length of wool – 13 cm, toniny – 30-31 microns; at ewes these indicators respectively the following: 55-65 kg; 2,7-2,8 kg; 10 cm; 29-37 microns.

The selection kernel of sheep of the Crimean zone type of tsigaysky breed of the myasosherstny direction of efficiency is at the moment created. These results were reached thanks to introduction of modern selection techniques of increase a mnogoplodiya, molochnost and qualities of cultivation of young growth.

Ewes at sufficient feeding differ a high molochnost which appeared equal in 140 days of the podsosny period of 174,5 kg of milk with the content of solids to 17,3 percent and 6,3 percent of fat (for comparison, at cows these indicators, respectively and %). The average molochnost for the first 20 days of a lactation fluctuates from 18 to 28,6 kg, and at a uterus of the second yagneniye – from 27,7 to 33,6 kg. It is necessary to note that the molochnost of a uterus with lambs twins for 17-52 % is more in comparison with a uterus, obyagnivshimisya lambs-odintsami.

Owing to high potential a mnogoplodiya (to 150 %na) and molochnost of ewes, from each of them it is possible to receive 100 uterus for a year of 32 kg yagnyatiny or 48 kg of lamb, and at intensive fatten this indicator will make 55 kg, at lethal mass of 26-28 kg. Meat of tsigaysky sheep has excellent flavoring qualities and high caloric content. So, mutton above average fatness contains 42,9 percent of solids, and below average – only 27,5, that is caloric content of such meat in two with superfluous is less than time, therefore it is very important to practise intensive otkorm lambs to 6 – 7-month’s age before achievement of live weight of 40-46 kg by them.

Further selection work with herds should be based on preservation and effective use of a genetic variety of a genofund of breeds. It is necessary to create on the basis of complete inventory of a livestock its databank, allocation of the best animals and their rational use in selection programs.

P. Ostapchuk, candidate of agricultural sciences, manager. laboratory of animal husbandry of the APP UAAN Crimean institute.