Scrap of the kostochkovy

In this article the detailed description of ways of formation of krone and scraps of the kostochkovy is given.

From experience of the practician

From experience of the practician

The gardener I a beginner and when it is necessary to undertake secateurs feel uncertainly: a lot of things in a scrap, especially kostochkovy, for me secret behind seven seals.

Vladimir Grigorenko,

Bakhchsarai area.

The strong skeleton and compact roundish krone on low shtambe is also necessary to Kostochkovs. And for convenience of harvesting and in order that de­revya were exposed to mechanical damages, podmerzaniye and solar burns less.

I form krone within the first four-five years of their life, and further ezheyogodno I do to a scrap, sposobyostvuyushchy to formation of fruit educations.

At an apricot the first branch I put at height of 50-60 centimeters. In a circle, and them on a tree I leave three, on two-three branches. That is all on de­reve six-seven skeletal branches. Distance between circles of 60-80 centimeters

It is possible to form kro­nu and with single razmeshcheniyoy skeletal branches through 30-40 centimeters. Then on nizhyony skeletal branches formiyory on one-two branches of a vtoyory order.

Not to allow silno­go growth of escapes, zagushchayushchy krone and pulling a tree up, them annually strongly I shorten. At strongly vetvya­shhixsya grades Red-cheeked and Nikitsky I shorten them on a half, and weaker po­begi (length to 40 santimet­rov) on a third of length. Buketyonye branches and shporets didn’t shorten and didn’t thin out. The escapes growing inside kro­ny, and competitors cut out on a ring.

The bulk of fruit educations (buketny vetoch­ki and shporets) takes place on annual and three-year dre­vesine. Their more than a third for­miruetsya on annual pri­rostax. The period of life of plodoyovy educations prodolzhaet­sya no more than two-four years then them it is necessary za­menyat new. For this purpose at the introduction of trees in a plodoyonosheniye, except a prorezhivayoniya, shortened escapes on a half or a quarter of length.

In a full plodonoyosheniye carried out krone clarification, mainly for receiving annual priro­stov in the length not less than 35-40 centimeters. It is reached by annual podrezki escapes: long (more than 60 centimeters) – on a half, and short – on a half or on one third of length.

At sweet cherry also formiyory krone from three circles. Os­tavlyayu only seven-eight branches. Considering that it sve­tolyubiva, between circles os­tavlyayu distance in 50-60 centimeters and branches in circles on three or two.

In the first five-six years for strengthening of branching and an ustyoraneniye of ogoleniye strongly I shorten priro­sty. Extent of truncation depends at most growth of escapes: strong (length of 80-100 centimeters) I cut on 50-60 santimet­rov from the basis, averages (40-60 centimeters) – on a third of length, and weak (to 20 santi­metrov) I leave without podrez­ki. At the same time I delete competitors of conductors and I carry out the minimum proreyozhivaniye of superfluous escapes.

In fructification I do a prorezhivaniye of old, weak and otplodonosivshy branches by them full vyrez­ki on a ring or transfer to lateral branches. Zagushcheny of krone I do not allow, as it leads to fast dying off of fruit branches in krone, to moving of a zone of fructification on a periyoferiya and to decrease in quality of berries.

At grades with a strong gain fruit kidneys are stuffed up closer to the bases of escapes. In this case for strengthening a vetvleyoniya I shorten them not less than on a third of length. At escapes in length of 20-30 centimeters fruit kidneys take place to a half of their length, and at weak branches (to 20 santimet­rov) – on all length. Therefore such prirosty I leave without podrezki. At Dragan’s grade yellow fruit kidneys raz­meshhayutsya generally in a verkhyony part of escapes. Such pobe­gi I shorten more poorly – on a chetyoverty or fifth part dli­ny.

For formation nizhne­go a circle of a cherry I choose three best escapes and to a raspuskayoniya of kidneys I shorten them on a half or a third of length. Thus shtamb I leave vyyosoty no more than 45-50 santi­metrov. At treelike sor­tov cherries, such as Podbelyyosky and English early over the bottom circle I put three more single skeletal branches at distance 50-60 san­timetrov from each other.

In the first five years after a poyosadka for strengthening of branching shortened escapes on a third of length. The conductor left above the top branches on 20-25 centimeters.

In fructification I apply periodic (che­rez 1-2 years) removal of two – and the branches three-year intertwining and directed in krone. Besides, I cut out weak and sick top branchings over lateral xo­rosho the developed branch.

At grades Podbelsky, Anyogliysky early, Shpanka ranyony fruit educations settle down generally at the basis strong year prirostov. On short annual escapes of buketny branches it is put a little, and it is more – floral kidneys. Therefore annual escapes in length of 30-40 centimeters os­tavlyayu without scraps, and that in the length more than 50 – moderately I shorten.

At plum and a cherry plum krone I form as well as at yab­loni or pears on razrezhenyono-yarusny system. Plum of grades Renklod, Altan, Venyogerka at the age from three till eight years grows intensively. It is necessary to cut off many rostovy escapes. To this pe­riod I carry out their strong ukoyorachivaniye and a prorezhivaniye. Without these receptions escapes are strongly extended, trees zhiruyut, grow "candle", do­stigayut big height and poorly fructify. To avoid it, strong escapes I shorten on 50-60 santi­metrov, and averages – it is moderate, on 15-20 centimeters. A cut I do on an external kidney. Po­begi, growing in krone, I delete to the basis or pe­revozhu on lateral branches.

At fructifying trees I do easy truncation of an annual gain and pro­rezhivayu krone, vyyorezy on a ring weak and neyonuzhny escapes. I leave only 10-15 centimeters best at distance from each other. Besides, povrezhyodenny and otplodonosivshy branches I transfer to strong lateral branches.

Due to high pobegoobrazovatelny sposobno­styu a cherry plum I carry out in osnovyony its prorezhivany kroner. I shorten only escapes more long than 60 centimeters on a third of length. Often I do an ukoyorachivaniye on transfer.

In the introduction kosyotochkovy in a full plodonoyosheniye limited krone at height of three-three and a half meters by cutting of a veryokhushka of the central provodyonik with transfer to one of weak top lateral vetyovy, located under ugyoly 45-50 degrees to a trunk.

At decrease in a gain to 15-20 centimeters or a podyomerzaniya of branches (generally at an apricot) I take easy rejuvenating to a scrap of skeletal or semi-skeletal branches on two – three-year wood with transfer on strong lateral a razvetvleyoniya. After rejuvenation I give to trees an additional piyotaniye and watering.

As to terms, in formation of krone kosyotochkovy within the first cheyotyrekh-five years I am engaged in the early spring before blooming of kidneys. To a scrap I do ezheyogodno too before blooming po­chek, but in a steady drowning.

Sanitary a scrap, that is removal of the dry, slomanyony and damaged branches, drops out for the autumn, after lis­topada. However, if in the autumn wasn’t in time, did and in fev­rale, and even in March.

V. TCHERNYAEV, item. Agrarian Simferopol area.