Perspective fodder culture

The author of article tells about morphological and biological features of cultivation of a clover otkrytozevy, gives its economic and valuable signs, stops on an agrotechnology of cultivation of this culture.

A clover otkrytozevy – the type of bean fodder herbs giving big crops of green material new to agricultural production (500-600 c/hectares) and seeds (3,5-4,0 c/hectares)

Clover otkrytozevy – the type of bean fodder herbs giving big crops of green material new to agricultural production (500-600 c/hectares) and seeds (3,5-4,0 c/hectares).

Morphological and biological features. This annual plant of winter type with the rod branched-out root. From the initial stages of growth of plants on roots quite large number of azotfiksiruyushchy klubenkovy bacteria is formed. Stalks direct, branchy, well oblistvenny, slightly trimmed, soft.

In a phase of mass flowering of a plant reach height of 100-110 cm in the rarefied and 180-200 cm in zagushchenny crops. A stalk hollow and consequently herbage by the flowering period polegaet. At crops by spring of a plant remain in a rozetochny condition and only separate copies throw out generativny escapes.

Inflorescences in process of growth and development change the form from uzkokonichesky to cylindrical or spherical. Nimbus coloring white with a pink shade. Mass of 1000 seeds – 1,8-1,9 gr. At crops in August shoots appear for 8-10 day. In dry weather this term is extended, but thanks to that the otkrytozevy clover contains considerable percent of steadfast seeds, they are capable to sprout at approach of favorable weather conditions. Therefore it is impossible to consider prolixity of shoots as a negative sign of this look.

Before leaving in winter of a plant, vyseyanny in optimum terms, are in time well raskustitsya and to get stronger. Spring growth comes in the first half of March, sometimes in February.

Economic and valuable signs. As the development the clover otkrytozevy belongs to group of winter plants. It is tenevynoslivy culture, well grows under cover of winter grain, takes out various soils, including solonetzic, but doesn’t love sour soils. Maintains short-term soil remoistening.

Clover otkrytozevy – the strict regodson and one of the best melliferous herbs. It possesses pleasant and strong aroma. According to average long-term data, the period from spring growth of plants before maturing of seeds at an otkrytozevy clover makes 135-145 days that for the whole month is shorter, than at a clover meadow (170-175 days). The content of protein from 14,5 to 18,4 % for solid, the general sugar from 1,38 to 2,07 %. The forages prepared from an annual clover, are eaten by all animal species.

Agrotechnology of cultivation. The soil under crops as under any melkosemyanny culture, prepare as steam or polupara, special attention giving to destruction of kornevishchny and korneotpryskovy weeds. Under the main processing introduce organic and mineral fertilizers: manure of 25-30 t/hectares, phosphoric 90-120 kg/hectares of active ingredient on hectare. Introduction of nitric fertilizers depends on soil fertility and from purpose of herbage: at its use on a forage 45-60 kg of of century if on the seed purposes, nitrogen isn’t required are brought – it can have negative effect on education and a crop of seeds.

Obligatory reception should serve prikatyvany soils as annulate skating rinks before crops. The best term of sowing – the middle of August. Crops continuous and ordinary. Depth of seal of seeds – 1,5-2,0 see.

E.Turin, candidate of agricultural sciences, senior research associate of laboratory of plant growing and kormoproizvodstvo of the Crimean institute of agroindustrial production of UAAN.