Statistical reporting of agricultural enterprises

Explanations concerning reporting sending by mail are given, and also powers of bodies of state statistics are considered.

Questions which are considered in this consultation, arrived from "Yasena’s" farm (The Zaporozhye area). You receive the answers presented here, as they say, first-hand – from the leading person of Goskomstat of Ukraine.

1 whether. Can send farms the reporting to statistics management of mail? If it is authorized, it is necessary to consider what date as representation date: specified on a mailing or the reporting date of receipt by statistics management?

2 whether. There is legislatively an established order according to which the management of statistics notifies an economy on the list of forms which should be represented, and about terms of their representation?

Yes, it is authorized.

Depending on appointment and the purposes the statistical reporting is subdivided on urgent and post.

The urgent statistical reporting, terms a sostavleyoniya and which processings usually very compressed, it is represented to any convenient for the doyokument originator in the way – telegraph, phone, by means of means of telecommunications, the courier or mail. Information transferred by telegraph, teleyofony, by means of means of telecommunication, should be further obligatory podtverzhde­na by its statement on the form of the corresponding form with signatures of persons which bear an otvetstvenyonost for its reliability according to a zakonoyodatelstvo. But this way of representation in any case should provide receipt otchetnos­ti in bodies of the state statistics in opredeyolenny terms which are put down on the form of a kazhyody form of a statotchetnost.

The post statistical reporting is sent to body of the state statistics by mail with a soyoblyudeniye of terms of submission of the reporting. It means that date of submission of the reporting schi­taetsya the date of receipt by body of state statistics ot­cheta from an economy. And after that reports follows ot­pravlyat taking into account time which is necessary for their delivery for the addressee.

The law of Ukraine About the state statistics and the Provision on the State committee of statistics of Ukraine, the approved Presidential decree of Ukraine from 19.08.04 of No. 60/2004, to bodies of the state statistics conferred the following powers:

• organization and ensuring collecting the state statistical reporting;

• carrying out censuses, disposable account, opro­sov, selective inspections, including naseyoleniye (households).

According to it territorial (as pra­vilo, regional) bodies state statisti­ki notify the enterprise and the organizations (including farms) about need and terms of drawing up of this or that reporting and provide them with forms of the state stayotistichesky supervision. On the form of each stayotistichesky supervision (reporting) term of its representation is put down by the enterprise.

3 whether. It is necessary to represent a form of a statistical otchetyonost of No. of 7-sg monthly if from the date of the last representation danyony on an economy didn’t change?

Yes, it is necessary.

Indicators of the state statistical nablyuyodeniye in 7-sg No. form The report on a course of harvesting and carrying out other field works are represented by monthly accruing result since the beginning of a proveyodeniye of works. This form according to primary registration documents in which the facts of works and receipt of agricultural production from a field are fixed is filled.

If from the date of the last representation data on an economy didn’t change, indicators of the last ot­cheta are duplicated and the report all the same is represented in regional body of the state statistics on a mestonayokhozhdeniye of the land lots. Bodies of the state statistics in case of non receipt of the report won’t have the basis for inclusion of data on this selskokhozyayyostvenny enterprise in the corresponding reports.

4. If the economy is registered in one area, and works at arenyodovanny sites in several areas, it should represent what forms of account in a place of registration, and what – in the location of the land lots?

Practically all state statistical supervision according to agricultural industry go in the location of means of a proyoizvodstvo (the earth, agricultural animals, etc.). The exception concerns the forms of the statistical reporting containing indicators of financial re­zultatov to activity of the enterprise, in particular a 50-sg No. form Main economic pokayozatel of work of agricultural enterprises which is represented in an enterprise place of registration.

Therefore, if the economy carries out the activity on the land lots located in several areas, it should deliver reports to each regional body of gosudarstvenyony statistics concerning production, kotoyory is in the respective area (except f. 50-sg No.).

Lake PROKOPENKO, director of the department of statistics of agricultural industry and environment of Goskomstat of Ukraine.