Spicy wormwood tarragon

Article acquaints the reader with a garden spicy wormwood a tarragon.

UDC 635

           The spicy plant a wormwood estragonovy, or a tarragon (Artemisiadracunculus) belongs to family the slozhnotsvetny. It is known as culture from XVII century. One more name of this plant of the Syrian origin – tarxun. This spicy grass with the peculiar aroma caused by existence in leaves of essential oils, among which more than 80 % of a tarragon. It is rich with vitamin C, carotene, routine.

           Wormwood estragonovy – a perennial grassy plant with an odrevesnevayushchy stalk, its rhizome not thick, creeping, ligneous, annually on it new escapes develop from kidneys. The tarragon is better for making multiple copies rhizome or bush division, but it is possible to implant and shanks. Green shanks under a film in pikirovochny boxes with an easy substratum (humus, peat and sand in the ratio 2:2:1) take roots quickly – in 10-15 days.

Reproduction by seeds will lead to deterioration of food qualities, reduction of aroma and possible emergence in bitterness greens.

At reproduction by division of a bush it is better to use four-five years’ plants. Them dig out, cut a shovel on allotments, in each of which there should be not less than three kidneys, and land on a constant place.

Tarragon – a winter-hardy plant, unpretentious to soil conditions therefore can grow on clay and peaty soils though lungs of neutral reaction substrata rich with organic chemistry are preferable to it.

By preparation of a site for landing at first dig over the soil on depth of 20-25 cm, then bring full mineral (10 g of ammoniac saltpeter, 25 g of superphosphate, 12 g of potash fertilizer on 1 sq.m) and organic (to 3 kg on 1 sq.m) fertilizers. Schemes of landing 60×40 or 70×80 see.

Leaving consists in timely weedings and waterings. Every year in the spring at the beginning of growth, a tarragon feed up mineral fertilizers, spending on 1 sq.m to 10-15 g of sulfate of ammonium and potash salt, 15-20 g of superphosphate.

In the first year after landing it is possible to carry out srezku at height of plants of 18-20 cm selectively. Cut off their top part in length 10-12 see. The next years srezok can be 2 and more depending on capacity of plants. By the end of a season high odrevesnevayushchy escapes develop. With the late fall them cut at height of 5-8 cm and so leave a plant to winter.

Though the tarragon can grow on one place till 15 years, for receiving greens with strong spicy aroma of landing it is necessary to update each 5 years.

Aromatic properties of this spicy grass are appreciated by the person. It is used in the food industry for aromatization of canned food, a pickles, vinegar. The tarragon is irreplaceable when salting cucumbers, tomatoes, bush pumpkins, mushrooms, a cabbage fermentation. Spice not only improves taste of products, but also promotes preservation of their natural coloring. Keeps the properties a tarragon and in a dried look. Spice is used for aromatization of wines, liqueurs and refreshing drinks. Tarkhun sparkling water of bright green color is widely known.

In traditional medicine the tarragon is appreciated as all-strengthening, febrifugal, protivotsingovy and a diuretic. Tincture of a tarragon strengthens walls of vessels as many routine contains. Use generally a young grass, both in fresh, and in a dried look. Leaves dry separately from stalks.


(On magazine materials A garden and a kitchen garden).