Master’s approach

In article experience of cultivation of big crops of commodity and seed potatoes in SPK "Georgia" of the May Day region of ARK is shined. Here the first year new ukryvny a material – agrofibre, and also a drop irrigation both on potatoes, and on vegetables is widely used any more.

In the expired year in connection with developing adverse weather conditions heads and specialists of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, regional administrations and farms took additional measures for increase in the areas of landing of potatoes over a task for 128 hectares in agricultural enterprises and farms.

Despite it, unfortunately, to reach volume of production of potatoes of level of previous year in the republic as a whole it was not possible.

According to bodies of statistics, last year it is made 3280 t (-308 t by 2004) potatoes and are collected from each hectare on 62,2 c of tubers (-28,6 c/hectares by 2004).

At the same time in the advanced farms of the republic thanks to strict observance of technology of cultivation of potatoes indicators of work are much higher.

The powerful contribution to implementation of the regional program on production of potatoes brought the SPK Georgia collective of the May Day area headed by the honored worker of agricultural industry of the Crimea by Vladimir Ivanovich Hasitoshvili.

Under potatoes in an economy 65 hectares, including spring landing – 25 hectares and summer – 40 hectares were occupied. gross collecting made 1330 t (+530 t by 2004) at average productivity of 204,6 c/hectares that in 3,3 times above an average value on the republic, and in the general republican volume of production of potatoes 40,5 % are the share of a share of an economy.

Considering vagaries of the weather, the economy agroservice under the direction of chief technologist Pavel Ivanovicha Talalov could do the utmost, that timely to fulfill agrotechnology requirements. Only accurate knowledge of biological requirements of plants and ability timely to satisfy them allowed collective to achieve such high indicators.

The special attention in this economy is given to introduction in production of resource-saving technologies. This cultivation of vegetable cultures and potatoes with use of a drop irrigation on the area of 40 hectares.

According to the recommendation of specialists of department of plant growing of the Crimean state agrarian educational advice center the technology of cultivation of superearly potatoes in open soil with use of a new ukryvny material – agrofibres on the area of 4 hectares received a reliable registration.

A lot of work and on prospect is conducted. Annually in an economy pass tests of 10-12 new grades of potatoes domestic and foreign selection. Best of them are used for further cultivation under production conditions.

Close cooperation with JSC Institut semenovodstva kartofelya (Lutsk the Volynsk area) is adjusted. On a long-term contractual basis production of seed potatoes of the Russian selection Detskoselsky and Talovsky 110 which under our conditions provide stably big crops is renewed and deservedly use at krymchan the increased consumer demand. Besides they possess high stability to degeneration that is very important for cultivation of own landing material.

In 2006 under contracts 40 t of seed potatoes of the first reproduction of a grade will be made for farms of the Crimea Detskoselsky.

Besides search of superearly grades of potatoes for cultivation in open soil, as in the usual way, and with use of a new ukryvny material – agrofibres proceeds.

In last season the grade of domestic selection the Slav was in the lead. Productivity reached it 36 t/hectares. Behind it there are grades of foreign selection of Sante, Nevsky, Delikat, Baltic.

Specialists of department of plant growing of the Crimean state agrarian educational advice center and Association of vegetable growers of the Crimea are always ready to render the information and consulting and practical help to farms of all forms of ownership including to the population on providing with a landing material of potatoes of high reproductions of the zoned and perspective grades of domestic and foreign selection. References can be received by phones: 26-08-79, 27-65-64, 27-77-40.

CYPLYAK, leading expert of KGA UKTs.