The high standard of farming – best "medicine" for diseases

Information on application of the agrotechnical actions directed on improvement of a fytosanitory condition of crops is provided.

The most available, additional expenses and promoting environmental protection the agrotechnical method of protection of plants, including the winter wheat which conceptual basis consists in creation such agroecological uslo is not demanding

The most available, additional expenses and promoting environmental protection the agrotechnical method of protection of plants is not demanding, including the winter wheat which conceptual basis consists in creation of such agroecological conditions in cenoze grain crops at which the maximum efficiency of plants is formed and development of harmful organisms is slowed down. The arsenal of agrotechnical receptions, including organizational and economic, is rather extensive and can influence solving on a fytosanitory condition of crops of grain grains of cultures. For example, root the gnily – a problem especially agrotechnical, and it it is possible to solve mass development at the expense of competently executed receptions of an agrotechnology. As a determinant predecessors, ways of processing of the soil and system of a mineral food thus should act.

The major agrobiological and organizational and economic reception on – former there is a crop rotation. The corn, oats, a rape, leguminous and long-term bean herbs, and also sunflower and a beet are considered as standard "hospital attendants". Even at repeated crops of winter wheat use in a crop rotation as interrupting cultures of a beet, peas, oats, esparceta, and is even better than links: sunflower – winter barley-steam taken; a beet – ovyos – corn on a silo; corn – winter wheat – a sugar beet – winter wheat; pure steam – winter wheat practically removes a problem root gnily and other widespread diseases.

It is very important to choose the necessary way of processing of the soil. Pure parov and the correct their processing in droughty areas distribution of a rust, mealy dew, septorioza and, especially, ordinary root decay allow to limit introduction. In droughty areas well proved in the fytosanitory relation bezotvalny and superficial processing of the soil. At superficial processing prevalence root gnily increases, but that moisture is better saved up a little, stability of plants of wheat raises, and it positively affects productivity. Soil-protective processing ploskorezami and glubokorykhlitel on the fields subject to erosive processes is especially productive. Also alternation of bezotvalny processing with otvalny plowing is allowed.

On propashny predecessors plowing isn’t obligatory and possible superficial processing of the soil, and on peas – ploskorezny and milling. Favorable conditions for development of plants are thus created, and their stability to diseases raises.

The balanced fertilizers constrain development of harmful organisms and increase endurance of plants to diseases, and the unbalanced, especially raised doses of nitrogen, promote development of decay of the basis of a culm, a rust, mealy dew.

Considerably to reduce manifestation root gnily and septorioza winter wheat application of the bird’s dung which has passed a termofilny anaerobny sbrazhivaniye allows.

Unfortunately, the complex of agrotechnical actions reliably constrains diseases of winter wheat only at weak or their moderate manifestation. At strong development, and especially in the presence of golovnevy diseases, without fungicidov not to manage.

Use of microbiological preparations and growth regulators as immunostimulating substances – Agrofila, Simbionta-2, the Humate of sodium, Kompleksina, Baktofita, Alirina, Psevdobakterina-2, Immunotsitofita, Agate-25K, the Narcissus is perspective, etc.

(On magazine materials Protection and quarantine of plants).