In this publication the head of department of agroindustrial development of the Dzhankoysky area analysed a condition in plant growing branch depending on care of heads of fertility of the earth.
In our area of agricultural enterprise of all forms of ownership last year from the area of 52395 hectares received a grain yield and leguminous cultures of 115039 tons of grain at productivity of 22 c/hectares
In our area of agricultural enterprise of all forms of ownership last year from the area of 52395 hectares received a grain yield and leguminous cultures of 115039 tons of grain at productivity of 22 c/hectares. Winter wheat from the area of 30484 hectares 73124 tons, productivity – 24 c/hectares are threshed. Winter barley from the area of 7964 hectares 16509 tons, productivity – 20,7 c/hectares are threshed. Summer barley from the area of 6825 hectares 10364 tons, productivity – 15,2 c/hectares are threshed.
The highest productivity among the main agricultural enterprises reached in JSC Osaviakhim – 34,5 c/hectares, (director Alexey Mikhaylovich Koval), Branch No. Agroshop of 65 DP Ilyich – Agrokrym – 30,2 c/hectares (director Mikhail Kondratyevich Tuzhilin), JSC Obry – 30,2 c/hectares (director Nikolay Vasilyevich Demchenko).
In 2006 the number of farms which received gross namolot grains higher than 5 thousand tons increased, them became 7. And also the number of agricultural enterprises in which productivity exceeded 20 c/hectares increased. If in their previous year was seven, now – 13.
Heads of these and some other agricultural enterprises show care of fertility of the soil, carrying out all complex of agrotechnical actions for cultivation of grain crops.
In recent years generally all agricultural enterprises process crops of grain crops by herbicides. It allows to reduce considerably terms of cleaning and to increase its quality, also to reduce grain losses by 2-3 c/hectares.
Not unimportant reception in increase of productivity of grain crops – top dressing by mineral fertilizers. In 2006 fed up them on 21,6 thousand hectares or 50 % of all area. Agricultural enterprises "Osaviakhim", "Obry", Agroshop No. 65 annually apply mineral fertilizers, receiving thus productivity of grain crops far for 30 c/hectares, and MT "Delight" brings annually raised doses of mineral fertilizers in two steps: scatters on the merzlotaly soil and time – seeders in radical system. Productivity receives high – 45,1 c/hectares of wheat, and on separate fields – to 60 c/hectares.
Last year productivity of sunflower considerably increased. On the area productivity of 9,7 c/hectares is received, in previous year was – 5,9 c/hectares. High productivity of sunflower reached in KATP "Jankoi" – 25,8 c/hectares, in Agroshop No. 65 – 20,2 c/hectares, in JSC Osaviakhim – 20 c/hectares.
In recent years in the area the area under a soya considerably extended. From 1243 hectares 3165 t, productivity – 25,5 c/hectares are threshed, and in JSC Boris-Agro productivity of a soya made 27,3 c/hectares.
The corn on grain – 105,9 c/hectares in physical weight of ears, and in recalculation on dry grain – 63,7 c/hectares gave a big crop.
It would be desirable to pay attention of heads of agricultural enterprises and to other cultures. For example lucernes. To grow up it it is very favorable. In JSC Adonis annually sow with this culture of 120-140 hectares. Use a lucerne of 3 years. Annually to cleaning 300-320 hectares are subject. The first hay crop – on hay, and a crop of the second leave on seeds. Productivity of seeds of a lucerne makes about 4 c/hectares in bunker weight, gross collecting makes 120 t, after cleaning an exit of seeds – 50 % are 60 t. If average realizatsionny price of 15-16 thousand UAH. for ton, the sales proceeds will be 1 million UAH.
The following very favorable culture – peas. It grow up in JSC Osaviakhim. Productivity – 35 c/hectares, the realizatsionny price – 620 UAH, on the average with 1 hectare receive 1900 UAH. Profitability of cultivation of peas about 30 %.
And still nut – average productivity of 14 – 16 c/hectares. The Realizatsionny price – 3000 UAH for ton. Profitability – about 60 %.
Flax – average productivity of 15 – 18 c/hectares is favorable also. The Realizatsionny price – 1050 UAH for ton. Profitability about 30 %. And one more its advantage – flax very good predecessor – polupar.
The winter rape at good leaving can yield a harvest in 20 c/hectares. The Realizatsionny price of a rape on the average – 1000-1100 UAH/t. Profitability – 30-40 %.
Before grain-growers of the area today there is a complex challenge – formation of a crop of 2007. It difficult. To area agricultural enterprises the government of the Crimea finished a task – 165 thousand tons of grain of early grain crops. For production of predicted its quantity by agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership it is sowed by winter grain crops of 45,8 thousand hectares, it will allow to receive 137,3 thousand tons of grain at productivity of 29,9 c/hectares.
It was planned to receive such crop to sow Grain on the best predecessors (to steam and busy steam). Poseyano on them 20 thousand hectares of winter or 43,7 % from total area.
With introduction of starting doses of phosphoric fertilizers poseyano 36,7 thousand hectares or 80 % of all areas.
For a sortoobnovleniye around poseyano 392 t of elite seeds on the area of 1737 hectares.
New perspective high-yielding grades, such as "Kiriya", "Dalnitsky", "Dryad", "Leon", "Znakhidk", "Poshan" sowed about 35 % of the areas.
For top dressing of winter grain crops 4580 t of ammoniac saltpeter or 100 % to requirement are acquired.
Processing of fields against myshevidny rodents is carried out on the square of 9600 hectares, or at 100 % of the area occupied by them.
From the grain ground beetle 9100 hectares or 100 % of the surveyed areas where settling by the ground beetle exceeds a harm threshold are processed. And still there are agriculturists who "missed" processing from the ground beetle, it in SOOO of Gagarin, SOOO "Ukraine", SPK "Sail".
Agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership should sow summer cultures on 28532 hectares from them early on 14244 hectares, including on grain – 11080 hectares.
With seeds of early summer grain crops of agricultural enterprise of the area are provided for 100 %. Reserved 2032 t. In seed-growing farms there are seeds for realization: in JSC Osaviakhim – peas, nuta, flax, in KATP "Jankoi" – summer barley, in JSC Obry – summer barley, mustard, JSC Adonis – flax.
The sowing campaign began this year in February windows (12 till February 20). One of the first started sowing in JSC Adonis, KSP "on March 8", JSC Osaviakhim, SOOO "Novokrymsky", SOOO of Gagarin, SPK "Russian". These farms practically finished crops in February windows.
At the beginning of March weather conditions allowed practically to all agricultural enterprises to join in spring and field works. As of March 22 soil preparation under crops of early summer cultures is complete, in the area continue to prepare the soil under the late summer. In total 16830 hectares are prepared. Sowing of early summer cultures on the square of 14244 hectares, including at grain at 11100 hectares or 100 % is complete.
Sow summer in well paved the way, the konditsionny, pickled seeds of high reproductions.
In 2007 it is planned by agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership, including the population to occupy 2015 hectares with vegetable cultures and 3100 hectares – potatoes.
By March 22 agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership, including the population, sowed more than 1000 hectares by vegetable cultures and 1500 hectares potatoes are planted.
"Agrotekhnologiya’s" state of emergency – 120 hectares – 60 hectares, SOOO Clear Glade – 50 hectares, SPK "Sail" – 32 hectares, SOOO of Gagarin – 30 hectares, the 8th Martha-Agrosad – 20 hectares, No. Agroshop of 65 – 46 hectares are engaged in KATP "Jankoi" in cultivation of vegetables at us. Potatoes are grown up by two economy: Agroshop No. 65 and "Agrotekhnologiya’s" state of emergency.
A number of the enterprises is involved in performance of The gardening and wine growing development program. In 2007 it is planned to plant 49 hectares of gardens and 32 hectares of vineyards, including spring landing of long-term plantings it is planned to carry out for squares of 35 hectares, including gardens – 10 hectares, vineyards – 25 hectares.
Plan to plant a garden in No. Agroshop of 65-10 hectares, vineyards – 10 hectares in SPK "Emerald", 10 hectares in "Agro-Yukos", 4 hectares – FH "Yantarik" and 1 hectare – FH of "Brewers".
In agricultural enterprises of the area 861 tractors, 141 combine harvesters, 253 plows, 321 cultivators, 222 seeders are. For preparation of equipment for field works and carrying out maintenance are 24 repair shops, and farms have still possibility to carry out repair by own efforts therefore generally repair of equipment is carried out in time.
Generally, technicians now in area farms in prosperity (seeders, cultivators, a tractor), and on cleaning grain it is necessary to involve combines from other regions. In 2006, for example, 74 involved combines that allowed to carry out cleaning to a short time and without superfluous losses worked for us.
Farms of the area cooperate with the industrial enterprises of the Autonomous Republic Crimea making agricultural machinery, spare parts, the equipment. For 2006 agricultural formations of the area acquired 63 units of agricultural machinery for the sum of 1894 thousand UAH. From this number of 57 units of national production, including 6 tractors, 11 disk harrows, 9 seeders and another. For example the Agroshop No. 65 – got 18 units of agricultural machinery; JSC Adonis – 7 units; state of emergency the Northern Crimea – 6; JSC Obry – 4 units.
But in the majority of farms of the area the financial position doesn’t allow to carry out updating of machine and tractor park to the right degree. Lack of means obliges them more attention to give to energy saving technologies, such as use of shirokozakhvatny units, replacement of plowing of the earth with superficial processing, reduction of the area of cleaning by a separate kombaynirovaniye, cleaning without collecting and straw crushing. Perspective zero processing of the soil and production of a biodiesel engine also are. Zero technology introduced at itself JSC Osaviakhim, JSC Adonis and JSC Obry on total area of 2400 hectares.
In JSC Adonis are engaged in production of fuel on biodiesel installation. According to the characteristics it doesn’t concede to diesel fuel. Last year they made 15 cubes of biofuel from sunflower oil at prime cost of 1,20 UAH.
Now they are engaged in flax processing. Prime cost of biofuel from flax is more expensive – 1,80 UAH. Further plan to make biofuel from a rape, for this purpose they sowed 300 hectares. Cultivated areas under a rape plan to expand.
In parallel with carrying out sowing of summer cultures of agricultural enterprise conduct top dressing of winter grain crops and a winter rape. It is necessary to feed up them on 45,8 thousand hectares. It was for this purpose necessary to prepare 4580 tons of ammoniac saltpeter.
On the area of 45767 hectares top dressing of winter grain crops is complete. It is one of the main factors of increase of productivity. After all to refuse fertilizers – means to fall to productivity of 16 – 18 c/hectares, and it means to work to itself at a loss.
Protection of plants also plays not the last role. It is necessary to have them in total 25,1 tons, including protravitely – 3,3 tons, herbicides – 17,2 t, fungicidov – 4,6 tons. Area agricultural enterprises already process crops by herbicides. Plan to lead it on all area of crops of winter grain crops. A number of the enterprises carries out processing by herbicides independently, this JSC Osaviakhim, JSC Adonis, KSP of March 8, JSC Obry and others. Others conclude contracts with specialized firms which can carry out processing by the preparations or agricultural enterprise preparations.
A.Bulankin, head of department of agroindustrial development of Dzhankoysky RGA.