In this publication the chief of Republican station of chemical protection A.Vinnik makes recommendations about increase of fertility of the soil by a plowing of straw of grain crops.
The major role in stabilization of balance of a humus in the soil at deficiency of manure belongs to a plowing of straw of grain crops
The major role in stabilization of balance of a humus in the soil at deficiency of manure belongs to a plowing of straw of grain crops.
She, however, isn’t recommended for wrapping up on that field where plan repeated crops of the winter. Otherwise it will be accompanied by a number of negative consequences. The most important – need of additional introduction of 12-15 kg of nitrogen on each ton of the plowed straw for elimination of the competitive relations between the microorganisms decomposing straw, and plants of winter culture.
And the agricultural producer has, often, no financial means on acquisition of nitric fertilizers for early-spring top dressing of crops winter grain, without speaking about additional amounts of this fertilizer. Other negative consequence - strengthening of effect of a pochvoutomleniye, especially at repeated crops of wheat. Thus the effect from application of fertilizers under such crops of winter wheat appears low. At a constant rise in prices for nitric fertilizers their application under winter wheat, to cultivation on wheat moreover with a straw plowing, appears, as a rule, economically remunerative.
The plowing is more expedient for carrying out on fields where next year crops summer, especially late are planned. In this case additional introduction of nitrogen on each ton of the plowed straw isn’t required, and biological absorption is exclusively useful. It is caused by that the mineral forms of nitrogen which are forming in the soil after cleaning of grain culture and a plowing of straw, are acquired by microorganisms and are protected from washing away and gaseous losses.
Biological absorption of nitrogen and other elements of a food by microbes – the phenomenon temporary: after dying off their plasma is quickly mineralized, elements of a food containing in it are released in a mineral form, and used by plants of summer cultures. As showed researches, by the time of sowing summer, in the conditions of the Crimea, decomposition of straw comes to the end also early absorbed of the soil and straw elements of a food are released for plants in a mineral form. Thus the part of nitrogen joins in processes of secondary synthesis of organic azotsoderzhashchy substances, raising in the soil the maintenance of a humus.
A.VINNIK, chief of Republican station of chemical protection.