Daily Archives: January 31, 2013

About green tourism and national crafts

The message on carrying out a seminar with jobless citizens of the May Day area on a subject: Development of small business in the rural zone. Experts of KGA UKTs acquainted listeners with the professions connected with national crafts, bases of training of a profession of the embroideress, prospects of development of green tourism in the rural zone, legal bases of the solution of these problems.
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Changes No. 3 to the industry agreement from March 10, 2006

Changes No. 3 to the Industry agreement between Min AP, the Crimean republican council of agricultural producers and agroindustrial formations and the Crimean republican trade-union organization of employees of agro-industrial complex of the Autonomous Republic Crimea for 2005-2006 are published.
Changes concern the section V – the minimum guarantees of a salary and are installed since January 1, 2006.
Appendices 1-7 are reworded as follows and installed since January 1, 2006.
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There is a meat – there will be a grant

The last five years from the Government budget of Ukraine funds for payment of grants for the grown-up young growth of cattle, pigs, hens broilers, ducklings, gooses, turkey-cocks are allocated.
In article examples speaks to the agricultural producer who has grown up a bull-calf or fattened kabanchik, how many it is lost money at sale of animals to secondhand dealers, without due paperwork on the grant.
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