On one shtambe sat

In article the technology of cultivation of holodostoyky grades and grapes hybrids is described.

From experience of the practician

From experience of the practician

I am asked often by beginning wine-growers as it is possible to grow up it to me on four hundred parts of the earth to fifty holodostoyky grades and grapes hybrids with the increased stability to diseases.

I answer them that on the one hand it would be desirable to have more: the desire which has developed into passion, and with another – is rational to use the tiny land lot.

To achievement of the purpose I go by an inoculation on one shtamb three – four, and even six, and more grades. And it gives the chance to me to grow up on my "patch" not only new grades and grapes hybrids, but also fruit-trees on which too I impart new grades.

When I tell about it to beginners, especially to at whom the earth too it is not dense, at them eyes light up, but passes year – another, and the spark in eyes fades. It turns out nothing, especially on grape bushes. Impart much, but in leaders one is suddenly beaten out any imparted a grade or a hybrid and starts to dominate, having directed a powerful rod up, muffling growth of other inoculations.

And so, taking an opportunity, I want to share the long experience turned out by me. Itself personally always, before starting an inoculation, carefully I select a vaccinating material. And, believe my long-term practice if on one shtamb you "plant" only silnorosly or only slaborosly grades and hybrids, under equal conditions of development they don’t become competitors, and all will normally develop. If "strip farming" turns out, strong growth will muffle the slaborosly.

Having counterbalanced in such a way the vineyard, I manage to take pleasure from a type of the large berries poured by the sun and from their amazing taste.

Experimenting inoculations, I put a basis for change of a sortiment of my vineyard that allowed even to be engaged in a pitomnichestvo. This year me grade grapes very pleased the Glow. At the beginning of maturing of berry blazed a rozovy glow. Admired them till November: at this time color of berries darkened to violet, but they didn’t lose from it neither the      appeal, nor svy harmonious taste.

And now here and saplings of this grade appeared in time to vykopke. And still grew up now saplings early (maturing in the third decade of August) Lowlands, a muscat of Memory Lazorevsky, Gala, well-known krymchanam a qualitative grade the Gift to Zaporozhye. In mine to a pitomnichka there are saplings of the Wife of a shah of Iran, Tason’s muscat (too the very early – the first decade of August) and American kishmisha Thompson.

P. Ponamarenko

Simferopol, Kachinsky, 72, ph.: 44-25-57