There were square water-melons

It is so more convenient to transport, store and realize production.

Bakhchevye of an unusual form – at all a selection miracle, scientists are absolutely not involved in it. The know-how belongs to Japanese farmers who grew up water-melons, having placed them in stekyolyanny cubic capacities. On – to opinion of proizvoyoditel, it is so more convenient to transport, store and realize production. The size of capacities in which striped fruits ripened, or rather berries, vy­bran it is not casual, it xo­rosho "is entered" in space between regiments of Japanese hoyolodilnik.

The first who ot­vedal moderniziroyovanny water-melons in Europe, were briyotanets. As to Foggy Albion the bakhchevy arrive from Brazil, it is possible to assume that the invention of Japanese farmers gained recognition and on the Amerikanyosky continent.

(On materials of printing editions).