Mysterious mushmula

In a selection the low-widespread culture mushmula the German is presented. The detailed characteristic of a plant is given. Ways of its reproduction and preparation of fruits for the use are described.

What is such and with what it eat?

When gardeners start to speak about mushmule, always it is necessary to specify, about which plant there is a speech. After all exists mushmula German and Japanese, and it is hard to amateur gardener to understand, in what za­klyuchaetsya a difference between them. Both versions have one common feature – they treat semechkovy fruit crops.

 Mushmula German (Mespilusgermanica – lat.), ne­smotrya on the name, has no direct relation to Germany. There is it from Asia Minor and the Caucasus. Grows a bush or a tree in height of 2 – 6 m. Escapes gustoopushenny (felt), red-brown, with age priobreta­yut gray color, with not numerous prickles, at cultural forms without ko­lyuchek. Leaves the next, elliptichesyoky or lanceolate, 5 – 14 cm of dliyony and 2,5 – 7 cm in width, with a zaostrenyony or stupid top and the klinovidyony or rounded-off basis, melkopilchaty, sometimes tselnokrayny, from above opaque, from below trimmed hairs of white color, in the autumn yellow and red-brown. Tsvetyoki oboyepoly, 3 – 5 cm in diameter, pyatichlenny, one flower or two settle down on a top of korotyoky escape. The plant blossoms in May-June, it is very attractive vy­glyadit thanks to large white to a flower which are dismissed on fo­ne juicy green foliage.

Fruits – apples of a various form (from spherical to ellipsoidny), 1,5 – 3 cm in diameter, with widely otkryyoty peephole surrounded with a neopadayuyoshchy cup, dirty and green color, late get a brownish otteyonok, tart, mass of 4 – 10 g of Sozrevayoyut in October-November. Characteristic osobenyonost of fruits mushmuly: they become edible only in an overripe soyostoyaniye. They should give vre­mya for achievement of such condition on a tree or to lie on the earth. Unlike fruit-trees, at kotoyory fruits suffer from autumn zamo­rozkov, mushmule they only on advantage – accelerate perezrevaniye process. Thus cellular walls of fruits are softened and turn firm pulp into quite gentle substanyotsiya. Thus substances, obuslavliyovayushchy tartness and knitting taste, cease to operate, and a fruit priob­retaet pleasant sweet. The fruits collected from a tree mushmuly spread on straw that process a perezrevayoniya went a natural way to techeyony several weeks. The become overripe fruits eat in a special way: take a fruit in a hand, take a bite of a thin skin and exhaust contents, rejecting a thin skin with seeds.

On quality of fruits wild-growing mushmula concedes to high-quality rasteyoniya therefore in the garden it is necessary to grow up perfect krupnoplodyony forms. The best on a complex of signs of a grade – Goytkhovsky, Karadagsky, Sentesha Rozha, Sweet Dracheva (fruits about 3 cm in diamet­re, and the weight reaches 15 g).

As stones make doyovolno big percent of a waste, osoyoby interest for cultivation pred­stavlyaet Apiren’s seedless grade (Seedless). It once kultivi­rovali at us in the country, despite the small size of fruits, but now it is lost and needs a repeated inyotroduktsiya.  In  regions  with  warm climate it is possible to try vyra­shhivat the French grade Monstruez d’Evreinof. The sizes of its fruits strike a voobyorazheniye – 8 cm in diameter, they sopo­stavimy unless with apple.

To use mushmulu in food not only it is possible, but also it is necessary. Its fruits are suitable for preparation sidra and wine. It is possible to do of them zhe­le and fruit candy, as they soder­zhat the pectin possessing good zheliruyushchy properties.

Low prevalence mush­muly in our gardens is caused by difficulties of its reproduction. Seeds in its fruits are latent in a firm koyostochka owing to what sprout only in 1-3 years after crops. Seyantsa enter fructification for eighth or ninth of life.

For acceleration there began a plodonosheyoniya and preservations high-quality osobennosyoty mushmulu it is necessary to impart on a boyoyaryshnik, mushmulu, a quince, a pear, a mountain ash. Successfully make multiple copies it also korneyovy offsprings who take from kornesobstvenny high-quality plants. In a garden the imparted plants vysa­zhivayut at distance of 3-4 m from each other.

On Ogorodnik magazine materials.