Sorbent application from a winemaking waste

In article the attention is paid to prevention and treatment mikotoksikozov at animals. Recommendations about application of a ferrotsianidno-bentonite sorbent which in large numbers is formed when processing vinoproduktov are made.

UDC 619:636

Mikotoksikoza – noninfectious diseases, arise at consumption of forages, kontaminirovannny mikotoksinami. Increasing interest to mikotoksinam, present at sterns, is caused by their negative and destructive influence on an organism of animals. Now it is known more than 300 various mikotoksinov which consumption with sterns would lead to toxic result of various extent of complications at mammals and a bird. Mikotoksina collect in sterns throughout all period of storage of raw materials, development and use of compound feeds. Therefore it is necessary to apply the most effective ways of decrease in their toxicity which in the subsequent with interest will pay off considerable improvement of operational performance.

One of effective ways of decrease in harm mikotoksinov – use of adsorbents which connect them in a gastroenteric path.

For prevention and treatment mikotoksikozov pigs in the forages infected mikotoksinami, bring absorbent carbon in number of 3-10 g, add to drinking water broths of an oak bark or other knitting substances containing tannins. Use also natural adsorbents – bentonites, zeolites, vermikulity, a kaolin.

Recently for prevention and treatment mikotoksikozov an animal feed an import inaktivator mikotoksinov – an expensive preparation mikosorb. At preparation addition in the form of a powder in number of 1 kg on 1 ton of a forage it adsorbs mikotoksiny and other toxic products of a metabolism, interferes with their absorption through walls of a gastroenteric path in blood of an animal.

More economic way of prevention and treatment mikotoksikozov pigs is developed at a skarmlivaniye of a cheap, available and effective ferrotsianidno-bentonite sorbent from a winemaking waste.

Ferrotsianidno-bentonitovy the sorbent (FBS) in the form of a deposit is formed in large numbers when processing vinoproduktov. After a sediment the wine deposit containing bentonite, the Berlin glaze, tannaty, salts of wine acid, micro and macrocells, vitamins, organic acids, etc., wring out on the filter-pressakh and in a dry form add in a forage.

At daily introduction in a diet (1 % to forage solid) is shown preventive and medical effect at poisoning of animals with toxins of mushrooms. Technical and economic advantages of the developed way of application of FBS consist in decrease in expenses in cultivation of pigs of different age at pollution zernofurazha mikotoksinami the known and unknown nature, neutralization of their action, treatment and prevention of disorders of functions of a gastroenteric path, in improvement of the general condition of animals, decrease in a case and increase of a gain of live weight at fatten.

On Svinovodstvo magazine materials.