Features of storage of carrots

In article information on ways of storage of carrots is given, features of necessary modes and the requirement are given to the root crops intended for storage.

Carrots belong to that type of crops which are equally well applicable and for the market of fresh production, both for storage, and for processing. Specially for storage grow up late it or grade hybrids to which make the following demands: correct form of a root crop, high productivity, good ability to storage. Because of low level of a lezhkost of carrots of a dining room at long storage the part of a crop can be lost. But at observance of certain conditions (temperature 0-1°S, humidity of 95-100 %) the period of storage of carrots can make from 4 to 8 months.

Carrots are stored in vegetable storehouses, holes, cellars, in stacks, pyramids, burtax, boxes, polyethylene bags. In vegetable storehouses usually store large consignments of root crops, but in the course of storage carrots which are from above, often spoil because of excess of moisture. But completely to deprive of it moisture also it is impossible. At low concerning humidity of air root crops quickly fade. Vegetable storehouses it is necessary to air, cover carrots with a sacking, in every possible way to increase relative humidity of air (to place in storage capacity with water to water passes etc.) . The best temperature for carrots storage – 0-1 °C therefore for long storage it clean late when there is a possibility to cool storage at the expense of cold air. At the temperature close to 0°S, biochemical metabolic activity is slowed down in 10 times. In storages carrots can be stored in boxes capacity of 20-25 kg with dense walls. Boxes with root crops leave for the night for cooling, and then transfer to storage. Before a bookmark on storage a tops of vegetable cut off level with a head to destroy kidneys which can sprout.

For carrots storage commercially root crops are expedient for pouring sand. If they are stored in a box, on its bottom fill damp sand a layer in some centimeters on which then stack root crops and pour sand. At carrots storage in stacks or pyramids it is recommended to pour each row damp sand a layer 1-2 see. Sand should be such that at compression in a hand from it moisture and that the lump wasn’t scattered wasn’t allocated. In process of drying the top layer of sand slightly humidify.

Root crops of carrots can be stored in low burtax, but their quality suffers from it. Before putting on storage in burt, them carefully wash out. And the sink of carrots is carried out directly in day of cleaning.

Carrots are very well stored in polyethylene bags. At this way of storage the number of natural losses and quantity of the sprouted root crops are very insignificant. It is best of all for applying to storage of small parties of carrots (20-30 kg in one bag). Polyethylene bags don’t fasten in order to avoid concentration in them some carbon dioxide and excessive increase of relative humidity of air. For manufacturing of bags use a film in thickness of 100-150 microns (micrometers). If in storage there is a sharp temperature drop, the condensed moisture is formed and on walls of a bag water which gathers at its bottom flows down. That it didn’t occur, in day of a bag do small openings.

One of the most reliable ways of storage of carrots – is refrigerating chambers in which constant air temperature and high humidity is supported. Observance of these two parameters allows to store its root crops from 2 to 12 months (temperature of 0-1 °C). In refrigerating chambers carrots can be stored in wooden or plastic containers. The great value for its further high-quality storage in refrigerating chambers has speed of a laying of root crops in storage (from the collecting moment till a bookmark should pass no more than days). Before a bookmark carrots don’t wash and don’t clean, as with the earth remains it is better stored. All damaged, rough and broken fruits should vybrakovyvatsya.

Before a laying of carrots on storage it is necessary to remember some key moments:

- immediate cooling of a crop after cleaning. Carrots should be cooled at once after cleaning to temperature 0°S;

- preservation of a constant temperature mode in storages and prevention of temperature fluctuations;

- disinfection of storages and containers. A careful vybrakovka of the damaged fruits.

(On materials Agricultural ezhenelnik).