On teeth garlic

In this article it is possible to receive full data on garlic – the faithful companion, the assistant and the doctor of the person.

Garlic entered into use of the person long ago. Nobody remembers, when it happened. It is known only that on one of the best-known Egyptian pyramids – pyramid of Cheops – names of three vegetables are traced: radishes, onions, garlic, and near them the sum in 1600 of talents is specified by silver. The Greek historian Herodotus took these data for the instruction on builders of pyramids ate what and how many cost costs of their food. Whether so was actually, difficultly to tell. However we know definitely that in Ancient Egypt garlic didn’t disdain not only unknown builders of pyramids, but also Pharaohs. In their tombs put the bulbs of garlic made of a tree or clay that and in afterlife the Pharaoh didn’t remain without seasoning to food. Along with an anise, a marjoram, caraway seeds and cinnamon garlic was a part of a mix by means of which mummified bodies of Pharaohs and notable Egyptians. And in Ancient Egypt with garlic "shined" solemn oaths. To eat the "shined" garlic was considered as a big sin. Loved garlic and in other most ancient oases of a human civilization. It is mentioned in klinopisny plates of ancient shumer. At the time of tsar Navukhodonosor garlick and onions kitchen gardens stretched along the main city wall of Babylon. Moreover, garlic grew up and in Semiramida’s well-known trailing gardens. At excavation of the Knossky palace on the island of Crete the garlic remains also were found, them found and in ruins Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried under a layer of a volcanic lava.

The people leave, one historical era replaces another, but invariable there is an attachment of the person to his faithful companion, the assistant and the doctor – to garlic (teeth of garlic contain 25-27 % of carbohydrates, 8 % of nitrogenous substances (protein), vitamin C, myshyakovisty connections, allicin – the strongest fitontsidny, bactericidal oil.

Garlic belongs to family onions and is known to mankind since the most ancient times. In China and Egypt it grew up in IIII IVtysyacheletiyax BC. In IXV. through Byzantium garlic got to Russia. In food use young green leaves and heads. Garlic is used as seasoning at conservation, as a herb.

It shares on three groups: winter strelkuyushhijsya, winter nestrelkuyushhijsya and summer nestrelkuyushhijsya. Leaves at it flat, tesmovidny, the bulb consists of separate parts Zubkov. Garlic breeds in only the vegetative way: underground teeth and the air lukovichka (bulbochka) which are forming on a tsvetonosny stalk arrow.

Garlic – a cold-resistant annual plant. Winter versions maintain it frosts to 20-25os. The best temperature for development of a plant +16 … +20oS. Winter grades early, fruitful, but badly remain. Garlic is very exacting to moisture, especially in formation Zubkov, the strengthened growth of leaves and the first 10-12 days after landing. He demands and long light day if weather cloudy, develops with delay.

It is most difficult of all onions culture for cultivation. It strongly reacts to change of conditions of the environment, when moving to other climatic zones Zubkov can be lost to 40-50 %. It is important to store correctly garlic bulbs, temperature of storage +6 … +12oS. At observance of such mode of a bulb ripen for a month – one and a half earlier, than at storage t +20oS. The summer grades of garlic intended for a vysazhivaniye in the spring, nestrelkuyushhiesya, a teeth at them smaller, than at winter, they ripen later and are less fruitful, but are well stored, strelkuyushhiesya grades give an arrow who grows from the bulb center, on the shooter air lukovichka (bulbochka) and underdeveloped a flower are formed. Teeth large, are located round an arrow.

This culture and to the soil is exacting: it should be high-fertile, sandy, sandy or easy loamy. Under a site choose heights because in lowlands garlic becomes wet and rots, teeth and bulbs are crushed.

It is impossible to land garlic after onions and potatoes, to bring under it fresh manure. The soil for landing prepare in 1,5-2 months. Teeth select at bulbs with the intact collum. On the eve of landing teeth divide, selecting only external as they grow also more fruitful quicker.

It is necessary to choose grades only what are zoned in this district, in the autumn introduce to the soil organic and mineral fertilizers: on 10m2 lands – 40-60 kg of humus, 350-400 g of superphosphate, 200-300 g of sulfate of ammonium and 100-150 g of potash salt.

After that the soil dig over on depth 20-25 see, before landing of garlic it loosen.

After landing the soil in ryadka and row-spacings too loosen, 1-2 times feed up fertilizers, 4-5 times water at the rate of 5 l of water on 1 sq.m. At strelkuyushhixsya grades shooters in due time delete.

It is important to clean in time garlic as relying bulbs fissure, teeth sprout. Such garlic can’t be stored, it use right after cleaning.

           (On magazine materials Real owner)