Extension of a resource of import soil-cultivating equipment

In the publication it is a question of extension of a resource of import soil-cultivating equipment. Because production and updating of fast-wearing-out details (ploughshares of plows, chisels, field disks and others) in the country aren’t adjusted, the producer of agricultural products is compelled to buy them at rather high prices.
For considerable decrease in their cost production and updating of these details at the enterprises repairing agricultural machinery and having technical possibility of performance of the main operations is organized.

UDC 631

           In recent years in farms of the country a significant amount agricultural machinery of foreign production collected. To most quickly wearing out and limiting a resource of import soil-cultivating equipment details which work in the abrasive environment belong: ploughshares of plows and undermining adaptations of beet-harvesting cars, chisels, field boards and others. Production and updating of these details as spare parts in the country it is not imposed, therefore the producer of agricultural products is compelled to buy them at rather high prices. For example, the price of one ploughshare makes from 100 to 400 UAH.

           And providing with them the enterprises repairing agricultural machinery which have technical possibility of performance of the main operations can solve a problem of creation of technologies of updating and manufacturing of such details.

           Works on research of new ways of hardening of working bodies are carried out to NNTs IMESH, in particular with application of one of electrophysical methods – electroerosive. This method allows without use of special materials and expensive equipment to point and do by stronger working bodies of soil-cultivating cars.

           The nomenclature of details of import equipment, first of all plows, developed on the basis of expert estimates, namely collection of information from inzhenerno – technicians of farms. And design documentation on manufacturing of those from them which work in the abrasive environment, was developed on natural samples by measurement of their straight-line characteristics and hardness. For a basis took a method of "donor" inserts at which a worn-out part cut off, instead of its place welded a special insert. After that a detail pointed in the elektroeroziyny way and strengthened special materials, for example, T electrodes – 590, or a powder wire of software – NP 80×20.

           We define the nomenclature of details on updating and manufacturing for Lemken and Kverneland firm plows. It was established that the greatest loading is taken up by edges and wear often reaches such values at which updating of these details is inexpedient.

Engineering procedures of updating include the main operations:

           - defektovka;

           - metalwork (trimming of a worn-out part by a plasma or gazokislorodny method);

           - metalwork (manufacturing of a "donor" exhibition);

           - welding (a privarivaniye of a "donor" exhibition to a skeleton);

           - electroerosive (point and hardening);

           - control.

           According to ekspluatatsionnik, cost of a ploughshare of plows of Lemken firm makes 218 UAH, edges – 69 UAH, and settlement cost of manufacturing of these working bodies on offered technology makes respectively 88 and 45 UAH that in 1,5 – 2,5 times are cheaper.

           As a result of laboratory check it is established that engineering procedures provide updating dimensional and qualitative (hardness, a sharpening corner) indicators of working bodies corresponding to working and repair drawings and engineering requirements to them, and experimental models of equipment answer the functional mission.

           For definition of influence of different methods of hardening of working bodies on wear resistance a part of details naplavlyali electrodes T-590 in the dot way. Results of measurements of wear showed that dot hardening increases wear resistance of working bodies in 1,2 – 1,8 times.

           (On magazine materials Equipment of agrarian and industrial complex).