Exchange mechanism of the transparent market of agricultural products

In article it is a question of need and the main advantages both to agricultural producers, and to the work state in the transparent exchange market.

Annually on the eve of harvesting agricultural producers steadily have a question – at what price it will be possible to sell the grown-up crop? In the countries with the developed market economy where the exchange auction "won" long ago 15-20 % of the market of agricultural products, producers in January-March expose future crop thanks to what can roughly estimate the income at the exchange.

Many market analysts note that the Crimea has all preconditions in order that the exchange mechanism earned at full capacity. It and the climatic conditions of our peninsula allowing earlier to start harvesting and to create the real price, quality of our grain, and also existing infrastructure of the exchange market. At due consideration from AR Crimea Council of ministers the exchange market can become the effective mechanism in agricultural branch.

Precedent to that was. In 2003 the Council of ministers of the Crimea adopted the resolution No. 327 from 26.06.03. About an order of realization of commodity and seed grain of a crop of 2003 which provided grain realization in the Crimea only in the exchange market. Implementation of this resolution in 2003p-2004 allowed to realize years about 20 % of the grown-up crop in the exchange market. In poor harvest 2003 by means of the exchange mechanism at the expense of concentration of offers on sale (price regulation "from above") was possible to hold the price at level 1000 úÓ¡./t.

In fruitful 2004 at gross collecting grain of 1194917,7 tons through the exchange it was realized 35873,41 tons (3 % from gross collecting) directly agricultural producers under spot contracts. It didn’t allow to "fall" to the price for commodity grain of the 3rd class below 730–850 hryvnias for ton that provided profitability of its production. As a result of the accepted measures the real price for grain was created. Wasn’t a considerable increase of the prices for socially significant product – bread, their landslide falling, disastrous for agricultural producers.

Today the grain market, according to some information, is estimated at 12 billion UAH. On grain successfully earn money everything, except his producers. The agiotage with its purchase is observed the first 2–3 months since the beginning of harvest works. Further grain passes to the secondary market where it is realized at higher prices. And peasants, having sold it on cheap stuff, again remain with debts and take the credits in banks under high percent to enclose on future crop.

There were rather steady schemes of artificial drop in prices in the market of grain and olive cultures. It is its sale in cash, under double contracts when grain is on sale at the low price, and the difference is paid by the separately cash. Besides, grain and olive cultures sell from unrecorded fields.

Change current situation can only in that case, experts if the order of realization of grain on a competitive basis at the exchange auction is established consider. The difference in the price in the exchange and off-exchange market, by some calculations, will make 100-150 UAH. Proceeds could increase considerably the income of the peasants, however wishing to sell grain through the exchange it is not enough. According to Minagropolitika AR Crimea, at the beginning of this year entered into infrastructure of the agrarian market of an autonomy two commodity exchanges accredited by the Ministry of agropolicy of Ukraine and 18 agrotrading houses, 14 from which are registered on the cooperative beginnings. At commodity exchange Crimean Agrarian exchange for 2007 23 thousand tons of a foodgrain and regional office of the Agrarian exchange of Ukraine in AR Crimea – 40,54 thousand tons are realized.

Operation of the exchange mechanism is constrained by conservative psychology of the peasants, got used to trade in the goods directly from a field, in cash, often at a loss to the enterprise. Therefore it is necessary to create conditions at which to sell in the off-exchange market begins it is unprofitable. It can be done, in particular, using economic levers in the form of granting various privileges and grants that who works according to the transparent scheme.

The government within several years actively subsidizes domestic agricultural producers. The increased expenses of the state budget on agrarian and industrial complex support testify to it with 2,5 billion UAH. in 2004 to 8 billion UAH. in 2007. Introduction of one addition or the resolution KMU that payment of means from the state budget (for 1 hectare of crops, on 1 kg of live weight) is made only under condition of agricultural products sale at the specialized exchanges accredited by Minagropolitiki of AR Crimea, will give the chance to rise at the expense of concentration of demand the price for 100-150 UAH. for ton. Such introduction reorients landowners on the transparent exchange market.

Besides, the means allocated by the state to agricultural producers in the form of various grants, should be paid only when purchase of material resources for these means will be carried out in the exchange market. Thanks to it two problems are solved: control of target use of the means received from the state budget at the expense of transparent purchases is carried out and possibility of their irrational use, including various abuses is excluded. It also will allow landowners to save considerable means when purchasing inventory items in the exchange market at the price for 5–10 % below off-exchange (at the expense of concentration of offers).

So, coming back to advantages of the exchange market to landowners, on the first place it is possible to put the real price of grain received for the account of concentration of offers on purchase. Acquisition of fuels and lubricants, fertilizers and means of protection of plants at the prices for 10-20 % is lower off-exchange, too can considerably break fall increases of their cost in mass field works.

Here such they, possibilities of spot contracts. But the exchange mechanism allows to conclude and forward contracts with a delay of delivery of production for 360 days. Thus by terms of the contract payment as at the prices fixed at the moment of its conclusion (the forward contract), and on developed at the moment of performance of the contract (the future contract) can be provided. By means of them to an agricultural producer are suggested to agree today with the price on which the crop through four or will be sold six months. Thereby the landowner receives in advance minimum price of sale of a crop, some kind of insurance from fluctuation in prices in the market. The state acts as the observer, planning production of these or those cultures and branch as a whole. And if the branch nevertheless warps", to settle this problem it is possible by a throw-in or, on the contrary, withdrawal from the market of missing or superfluous production.

Approximately the same mechanism can be involved and in the course of grain quoting. How in 2006-2007 in the ports of Ukraine there were ships loaded by grain and 1,4 million tons expected shipment in priportovy elevators, wrote already much. Mullions-strong losses were incurred by producers of grain and its exporters. The matter is that at an operating order about amount of exported grain the state receives information only after registration of the external economic contracts at the exchange after grain is already bought and prepared for shipment. And the amount of grain already bought for further export and sources of its acquisition remain unknown. At Order introduction at which grain purchases for export will be carried out only at the open exchange auction, Minagropolitika will have a possibility of effective monitoring of its movement. Daily receiving information from the exchange, knowing size of a collected crop, specialists of the Ministry at any time can prepare information to Cabinet council of Ukraine about planned volumes of sale of grain and olive cultures for export. Thus exporters can freely take out already bought grain and olive cultures, having shown to customs service the exchange contract confirming legitimacy of acquired grain, subject to export out of borders of the country. It is not required to enter any restrictions, as the invisible hand of the market will regulate export volumes.

As a successful example it is possible to give experience of the Belarusian universal exchange. Investigating tendencies and an environment of the world food market, it could help to react brilliantly to the Belarusian exporters to price jump and it is quite good to earn. The additional profit of exporters of powdered milk at the expense of rise in prices at the exchange auction made 1,6 million dollars, casein – more than one million dollars. Since the beginning of 2007 the price of butter grew with 2,4 to 4,9 dollars, and cheese – by dollar at each trading session. Not casually, in November, 2007 and oil, and firm cheeses the government of the republic wrote down in the list of the obligatory exchange goods.

Let’s notice that from work in the exchange market win not only agricultural producers, but also the budget. For anybody not the secret that according to shadow schemes is realized about 20 % of grain. Increase in volume of sale of grain through the exchange market to 20 % from a half of the grown-up crop, which in 2007 made 1,2 million tons (1,2 million tons/2 = 600 thousand tons), will allow to involve over 120 million UAH in agricultural industry. (600 thousand tons x 20 % x 1000 UAH = 120 000 000 UAH.).

In 2008 in the world market of grain the agiotage is expected. According to Bloomberg data, the price for wheat for the last year grew by 96 %, having reached in the middle of December of a record point in 10$/bushels (about 27 kg). Oils added seven of twelve leading export countries of wheat to fire, including Russia, China, Argentina and Kazakhstan which entered restriction on its export. The large countries dependent on an import of the food, already started to undertake emergency measures, being afraid of shortage of grain in the world market. At Ukrainian and including Crimean agricultural producers, there is a real possibility to make a jump to the world market. It will be good, if this "jump" is accurately planned and with soft landing. And all as in world developed countries – via the transparent exchange mechanism.

And. IGNATENKO, director of TB Crimean agrarian exchange