Payment of the state address help to some categories of citizens since 01.04.2008

Article provides information on change in the amount of payments of the state address help to some categories of citizens, according to the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08g. No. 265 Some questions of provision of pensions of citizens.

For the purpose of realization of standards of article 46 Constitutions of Ukraine by which it is provided that pensions, other types of the public assistance which are the main source of existence, should provide a level of living not below the subsistence minimum established

For the purpose of realization of standards of article 46 Constitutions of Ukraine by which it is provided that pensions, other types of the public assistance which are the main source of existence, should provide a level of living not below the subsistence minimum established by the law, Cabinet council of Ukraine the resolution No. 265 Some questions of provision of pensions of citizens is accepted from 26.03.08.

This resolution provided increase in pensions and other social payments, which size less than a subsistence minimum for the persons which have lost work capacity.

Recalculation of pensions on the occasion of loss of the supporter is made in the following order. In a case when the monthly amount of pension payments (taking into account extra charges, increases, additional pension, the target monetary assistance, the sums of indexation of other surcharges to the pension, established by the legislation, except pension for special merits in front of Ukraine) doesn’t reach at persons by whom the pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter is appointed, on one invalid member of the family of 100 percent, on two 120 percent, on three and more – 150 percent of a subsistence minimum for the persons which have lost work capacity, are provided to such persons the state address help to pension in the sum lacking till the specified sizes.

If the monthly amount of pension payments, since the childhood and to disabled children, persons who haven’t the right to pension, and to disabled people (taking into account extra charges, increases, additional pensions, the target monetary assistance, the sums of indexation and other surcharges established by the legislation, except pensions for special merits in front of Ukraine) doesn’t reach the subsistence minimum established for persons, lost work capacity, to such persons the state address help in the sum lacking to the specified minimum is provided to the state public assistance to disabled people.

Payment of the monthly state address help provided by the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08 No. 265, is established since April 1 and reconsidered in connection with increase in a subsistence minimum for the persons which have lost work capacity.

Bodies of the Pension fund of Ukraine in the Autonomy made recalculation of pensions under the above-stated resolution.

Payment of the state address help will be made by bodies of the Pension fund of Ukraine in ARK according to additional sheets together with pension payment for April in the former sizes.

Article 55 of the Law of Ukraine About the Government budget of Ukraine for 2008 and about modification of some acts of Ukraine provided the next size of a subsistence minimum for 2008 for persons who lost work capacity: since January 1 – 470 hryvnias, since April 1 – 481 hryvnias, since July 1 – 48 hryvnias, since October 1 – 498 hryvnias.

Examples of recalculation of pensions from 01.04.08:

1. A disability pension of 3 groups owing to the general disease before recalculation – 292,85 UAH.

The size of pension after recalculation – 481 UAH., including: 293,79 UAH. – size of a disability pension; 187,21 UAH. – the monthly state address help according to the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08 No. 265.

2. A disability pension of 2 groups since the childhood (social) before recalculation of-425,33 UAH., including: 22,11 UAH. – main size of pension; 41,80 UAH. – target monetary assistance; 215,54 UAH. – the grant under the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 18.09.04 No. 1215; 5,24 UAH. – indexation; 140,64 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account indexation.

The size of pension from 01.04.08 after recalculation – 481 UAH., including: 22,11 UAH. – main size of pension; 41,80 UAH. – target monetary assistance; 140,64 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account indexation; 276,45 UAH. – the monthly state address help according to the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08 No. 265.

3. Pension on age at an incomplete experience before recalculation – 565,25 UAH., including: 366,21 UAH. – main size of pension; 11,04 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account article 42 of the Law of Ukraine About obligatory state pension insurance (further – the Law); 47 UAH. – increase to the participant of war; 47 UAH. – increase to the wife of the died participant of the operations recognized during lifetime as the disabled person owing to the general disease; 94 UAH. – pension for special merits.

The size of pension after recalculation from 01.04.08 – 577,20 UAH., including: 374,78 UAH. – main size of pension; 2,47 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account Law article 42; 48,10 UAH. – increase to the participant of war; 48,10 UAH. – increase to the wife of the died participant of the operations recognized during lifetime as the disabled person owing to the general disease; 96,20 UAH. – pension for special merits, 7,55 UAH. – the monthly state address help according to the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08 No. 265.

4. Pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter (orphan) on one dependent before recalculation – 314,69 UAH., including: 235 UAH. – the size of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter; 23,85 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account Law article 42; 25,84 UAH. – surcharge; 30 UAH. – surcharge to pension to children to orphans.

The size of pension from 01.04.08 after recalculation – 481 UAH., including: 240,50 UAH. – the size of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter; 18,35 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account Law article 42; 30 UAH. – surcharge to pension to children to orphans; 192,15 UAH. – the monthly state address help according to the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08 No. 265.

5. Pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter on two dependents before recalculation – 484,52 UAH., including: 470 UAH. – the size of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter; 4,18 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account Law article 42; 10,34 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account indexation.

The size of pension from 01.04.08 after recalculation – 577,20 UAH., including: 481 UAH. – the size of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter; 10,34 UAH. – surcharge till the size of pension taking into account indexation, 85,86 UAH. – the monthly state address help according to the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08 No. 265.

6. Pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter for three dependents before recalculation – 284,69 UAH., including: 238,14 UAH. – the size of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter; 30 UAH. – surcharge under the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 24.07.04 No. 943; 44,36 UAH. – the grant under the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 18.09.04 No. 1215.

The size of pension from 01.04.08 after recalculation – 721,50 UAH., including:          243,72 UAH. – the size of pension on the occasion of loss of the supporter; 477,78 UAH. – the monthly state address help according to the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 26.03.08 No. 265.

PFU management in. Pike perch of AR Crimea.