About the state support of production of animal husbandry

Extraction from the Resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from 27.02.08g is printed. No. 121 About modification of the resolution KMU from 01.03.07g. No. 348 About the statement of the Order of use in 2007 of the means provided in the government budget on development of animal husbandry and comments of the expert in Order change.



The RESOLUTION from February 27, 2008 of No. 121 Kiev

About vneseniiizmeneny in the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from March 1, 2007 of No. 348

Cabinet council of Ukraine


1. To bring in the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from March 1, 2007 of No. 348 (348-2007-p) "About use utverzhdeniiporyadka in 2007 of the means provided in the government budget on development of animal husbandry" (The official messenger of Ukraine, 2007, No. 17,  Art. 651, No. 33, Art. 1340, No. 59, Art. 2349, No. 66, Art. 2555) changes, kotoryeprilagayutsya.

2. To establish  that  the Ministry  of an agrarian  policy  in coordination with the Ministry of Finance carries out  in the current year distribution of the means provided in the government budget (107-17) on development of animal husbandry, throughout five working days after coming into effect of this resolution.

3. The resolution comes into force from the date of publication.

Prime minister of Ukraine                                                       YU.TIMOSHENKO

                            The changes brought in the Order from 01. 03.2007.

First of all, we will note that in 2008 the former Order approved by the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from March 01, 2007 of No. 348 with additions and changes by introduced resolutions KMU No. 694 from 03.05.2007 and No. 1008 from 08.08.2007 operates.

However the resolution of Cabinet council of Ukraine from February 27, 2008 of No. 121 makes some changes to the Order.

In the name and the text About a figure 2007 are replaced with figures 2008, and 2006 on 2007.

Now, according to addition in the paragraph the first point 2, budgetary funds will go also to educational and research farms of agrarian higher educational institutions (except the budgetary establishments).

In the paragraph the second word points 2 and 6 broilers, wefts, geese, turkey-cocks are replaced with words a bird house meat breeds (a chicken, wefts, geese, turkey-cocks).

4. The paragraph of the fourth point 2, point 17, the paragraph the first point 18, paragraphs of the seventh, tenth and twelfth point 20 after a word "dairy" are added with words and meat "them" is that is now grants will stand out not only for a livestock of cows dairy, but also the meat direction of efficiency.

5. In the paragraph of the eighth point 2, in the name and the section text The special grant for a livestock a telok, bought in personal country farms for replenishment of the main herd words in personal country farms are replaced with words at the population.

6. In the paragraph the first point 3 words with the corresponding efficiency are excluded.

7. The paragraph of the fourth and fifth point 4 are reworded as follows that allows Minagropolitiki to carry out in coordination with the Ministry of Finance redistribution of budgetary funds between the Ministry of an agrarian policy of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, head departments of agroindustrial development regional and management of the industry and agroindustrial development by the Sevastopol city state administration monthly proceeding from the actual and expected use of budgetary funds until the end of the year. In 2007 it was possible to do it only following the results of six and nine months.

The similar right was received also by the Ministry of an agrarian policy of AR Crimea, head departments an agropromrazvitiya of the regional state administrations on redistribution of budgetary funds between areas within the finished monthly volume of allocations for the corresponding purposes.

The paragraph of the fourth point 6 is reworded as follows: It is authorized also as an exception to provide the grant to individuals for grown up by them both sold on a face and processing subjects of managing who have own (rented) processing capacities, cattle young growth till November 30, 2007 inclusive over the annual plan of allocations for the corresponding purposes under condition of granting by them till April 1, 2008 to managements of agroindustrial development regional and to management of the industry and agroindustrial development Sevastopol city the state administrations of the confirming documents provided by point 10 of the Order:

– in one copy reception receipts;

– the certificate of the livestock grown up by them KRS which has been given out by rural, settlement, city or regional council in the city in which identification number, a series and passport number of sold KRS and a veterinary card to the passport is noted;

– passport and certificate of assignment of identification number to the individual;

– the certificate of account opening in bank establishment.

The paragraph the first point 8 by which the order of distribution of budgetary funds is defined, is reworded as follows.

If the old regime provided distribution of means between regions for providing grants for the grown-up and sold cattle and a bird proportionally to a number of cattle and pigs at agricultural enterprises and the population and to a livestock of a bird at agricultural enterprises for January 1 of the current year, now: for the grown-up and sold cattle and a bird house meat breeds it is proportional to a cash number of cattle for January 1 of the current year in agricultural enterprises and the population and realization of meat of pork by agricultural enterprises and the population, fowl realization by agricultural enterprises in 2007.

Changes are brought and in the size of the grant for the grown-up and sold cattle and a bird (for kg of the accepted live weight, Situation point 9). For cattle young growth – 1,9 UAH. (instead of – 1,4), for pigs – 1,4 UAH. (instead of – 1,05), for a bird house meat breeds: hens – 0,65 UAH., wefts, geese, turkey-cocks – 0,9 hryvnias (in old edition for a bird house (chickens – broilers, wefts, geese, turkey-cocks) – 0,5 hryvnias).

In the paragraph of the tenth word since April 1 of the current year are excluded.

In the paragraph of the eighth point of the 10th figure 16 are replaced with figure 1, that is documents which move for obtaining the grant for grown up and sold on slaughter and processing or the hammered and processed cattle and a bird from December 1 to December 31 (inclusive) last year. Also this paragraph is added with words and figures on the conditions defined in 2007.

Now when giving to appropriate bodies of State treasury of data on agricultural enterprises and individuals on obtaining the grant, together with payment orders are provided and sheets in a form according to the appendix 2 (point 11, paragraph 3).

The section The grant for non-polluting milk is been reworded as follows. It is provided to agricultural enterprises and individuals if they carry out activity in the territory to which the status of a special raw zone for production of agricultural products is provided and hand over milk on the molokopererabatyvayushchy enterprises which develop products of baby food on a dairy basis, at a rate of 500 UAH. for 1 ton of milk in test weight.

Here the order of distribution of budgetary funds between regions and between areas is defined.

Point 14 will define the basis of issue of the grant The grant for non-polluting milk it is provided on the basis of reception receipts (a No. form of 3-personal computer (MS) with a mark For baby food), given out in duplicate to agricultural enterprises and individuals the molokopererabatyvayushchy enterprises.

For obtaining the grant monthly the first managements of agroindustrial development regional and to management of the industry and agroindustrial development Sevastopol city the state administrations the following documents move:

agricultural enterprises – the register of reception receipts           in a form according to the appendix 1, in one copy such receipts, a copy of the reference on inclusion in EDR assured in accordance with the established procedure, and also the written obligation according to the appendix 20 about return to the budget of means of the grant in case of identification of the fact of their illegal receiving;

individuals – in one copy reception receipts. The passport and the certificate of assignment of identification number and of bank account opening are shown also.

The documents submitted till November 30 inclusive, are accepted as sequence of their receipt.

The documents submitted from December 01 to December 31 inclusive, are accepted since January 01 of the next year within monthly volume of allocations on the terms of defined in 2008.

Now the special grant (item 17) is paid not only to agricultural enterprises but also farms for a gain of a livestock of cows of the dairy direction of efficiency which for January 1 of the current year contained not less than 15 heads of cows, for bought breeding netel or breeding cows of the dairy direction of efficiency who for January 1, 2007 contained not less than 15 heads of cows, and also for bought breeding netel or breeding cows of the dairy direction of efficiency who constructed or restored cattle-breeding farms and had no for the beginning of year of a livestock of cows and got not less than 15 heads of breeding netel or breeding cows.

Point 19 is reworded as follows. Now special grant: for a gain of a livestock of cows it is paid to agricultural enterprises at the rate to 3 thousand UAH. (instead of 1000 UAH.) for each developped dairy and meat cow of own reproduction by whom the main herd as of November 1 (instead of December) 2008 in comparison with a cash livestock of cows of such direction as of January 1, 2008 is increased

- at the rate to 3 thousand hryvnias for each cash breeding cow bought at breeding plant, in a breeding loud-speaker or on an import as of November 1, 2008.

The paragraph the first points 20, 25, 32 and 36 is added after words of regional bodies with a word of "state".

In the paragraph of the twelfth point 20 of a word of dairy cows are replaced with words of dairy and meat cows.

Now (the paragraph the third item 21) managements of agroindustrial development regional and the management of the industry and agroindustrial development Sevastopol city the state administrations submit to bodies of State treasury, except payment orders, as well sheets according to the appendix 5 for special grant transfer for a livestock gain on current accounts of agricultural enterprises.

The special grant for a livestock of cows (item 24) increased to breeding plants – to 1400 hryvnias, to breeding loud-speakers – to 700 hryvnias and to commodity farms – to 450 hryvnias (instead of respectively – 1200, 610, 400 hryvnias).

The report form (Order item 25, 29 and 32) about a condition of animal husbandry of No. of 24-sg is replaced with a form No. 24 (annual).

In point 26 the paragraph the third is added after the words "payment orders" with words and figures and sheets according to the appendix 7.

The grant for everyone breeding pchelosemyu, available for January 1, 2008 (Situation item 27), is increased with 12 to 15 hryvnias.

The paragraph of the third point 30 where it is a question of a parcel to State treasury of documents on obtaining the grant for breeding pchelosemi to add with words and figure and sheets according to the appendix 9.

Now the grant for a gain of ewes also it is bright is more senior than one year and for a cash livestock of ewes and it is bright is more senior than one year makes 100 hryvnias instead of 50 hryvnias (point 31).

Besides, for obtaining the grant for a gain of a livestock of ewes (item 32) along with other documents also is bright extraction from the register of the animals, given out by the organization which conducts it moves, confirming identification and registration in accordance with the established procedure a cash livestock of ewes and is bright is more senior than one year.

In the certificate of an available livestock of ewes also is bright be more senior than one year at individuals should number of the registration certificate of a sheep/goat is specified.

Also point 32 is added with the paragraph A livestock of ewes and is bright be more senior than one year should is identified and registered in accordance with the established procedure till June 1, 2008.

For transfer of the grant to current accounts for a livestock of ewes also it is bright is more senior than one year to treasury it is necessary to send now except payment orders as well to the sheet according to appendices 11 and 111 (item 33, paragraph 4).

The size of the special grant for a livestock a telok, bought in personal country farms, is increased to 5 hryvnias, there were 3,3 UAH. (item 34).

Term of necessary documents (item 36, the paragraph the fourth) for obtaining the special grant is prolonged by new Situation till December 5, 2008.

The grant for realized to the processing enterprises of wool from 6 UAH is increased. to 8 UAH. for kg.

Now at submission of documents for obtaining the grant for wool realization a copy of the report on an animal husbandry condition (f. 24-sg No.) concerning existence of sheep, it should be certified by bodies of the state statistics, instead of it is notarially certified.

Besides, some changes are made to texts of appendices. So words broilers, wefts, geese and turkey-cocks are replaced with words hens, wefts, geese, turkey-cocks.


head of department of economy KGAUKC.