Production of berries: prospects and problems

In this publication it is a question that berry gardens give fast and considerable economic return. Berry cultures sverxdoxodny: they begin fructification for the second year after landing, regularly give big crops – 15-30Ô/hectare and more.
The Plodoyagodny complex in the Soviet Union in the 80th years of the last century with its powerful base of processing gave over 30 % of profit of all agrarian production. In the Crimea berry gardens occupied only 4 % of lands, and receipts from them made over 40 % on the scale of all branches of agrarian and industrial complex.
Yagodovodstvo has innovative character as gives the chance to create the new grades, the new technologies, new products. It is not only knowledge-intensive, but also highly intellectual branch. Enthusiasts, young people with special qualities which would look at a plant as on a live individual, with love and caress should be engaged in production of berries.


Gardens, first of all berry, give fast and considerable economic return. It was known by conquerors at all times. To undermine power of the subdued states, they destroyed gardens. Hannibal in the II century BC so did, winning Italy, and Timerlan in the XIV century in AD, submitting Georgia. Didn’t change this order and Turks, having grasped Greece, Armenia and Hungary.

In Ukraine before the Second World War of gardens there were 600 thousand hectares. Now – only 242 thousand that makes less than 1 % from processed lands. For comparison: in Georgia – 11 %, in Japan – 9 %.

According to the researches which have been carried out within the Project of agrarian marketing (PAM), deficiency of berries annually grows in connection with increase in demand, especially on a currant and raspberry. Demand and for wild berries grows. About nonconventional and low-widespread cultures (a blackberry, a butterdish, sea-buckthorn berries, a honeysuckle, the limonnik and others) and nothing to speak.

Experts of PAM argue that prevalence of demand over the offer in the market of berries will remain till 2015. Therefore not in vain physicians sound the alarm: the wrong structure of a food of Ukrainians conducts to nation degeneration, decrease in intellectual potential. And after all chernoplodny berries possess krovetvorny ability, feed a brain and give forces. The Plodoyagodny complex in the Soviet Union in the 80th years of the last century with its powerful base of processing gave over 30 % of profit of all agrarian production! There were financial resources to subsidize unprofitable, but necessary to society and the state, economic and public projects.

In the Crimea berry gardens occupied only 4 % of lands, and receipts from them made over 40 % on the scale of all branches of agrarian and industrial complex. Separate farms had higher indicators. In collective farm "Friendship" of the Chigirinsky region of the Cherkassk area fruit and berry gardens occupied 5 % of grounds and provided 60 % of the general profit of the enterprise.

In the USA, Canada, Australia 126 kg of fruit per capita in a year, and in Ukraine – only 22 kgs are consumed. The share of berries in gross gathering fruit makes in Poland of 20 %, in other countries of Europe – 10 %, and in Ukraine – no more than 2 %. Berry cultures sverxdoxodny: they begin fructification for the second year after landing, regularly give rather high urozhai:15-30 t/hectare and more.

Ukraine has a unique environment for creation of the various and complex foodstuff which does not have analogs in the world. Not cheap fodder wheat, namely berry products interest our neighbors in EU and EEP.

Economists, in particular the Doctor of Economics the professor O. G. Shestopal, fairly argue that increase in a share of yagodnik in the areas of long-term plantings – one of sources of real investments into agricultural industry. At their expense it is possible to develop processing and to save up funds for other capital projects.

Production of berries has innovative character as gives the chance to create the new grades, the new technologies, new products. If the state grape and wine-making enterprises have the coordination center – Ukrsadvinprom state concern, for small-scale family households, ripened need for creation of scientific and production association of corporate type, which as intereconomic structure of the enterprise could develop production, involve experts, make recommendations, publish scientific and practical literature necessary for gardeners.

For acceleration of development of this branch of agricultural industry it is necessary to unite efforts and to create research laboratories on gruntoklimatichesky zones which closely would cooperate with the Ukrainian academy of agrarian sciences and its divisions. Such laboratories would involve in cooperation both foreign research establishments, and the certain scientists interested in the Ukrainian market of agrarian knowledge-intensive products.

Production of berries is not only knowledge-intensive, but also highly intellectual branch. And therefore also experts, and ordinary workers should be same. Here enthusiasts, young people with special qualities which would look at a plant as on a live individual, with love and caress are necessary. Therefore both youth selection, and process of training need improvement. Future entrant needs to be seen in work on a school site, in own priusadebny garden. Only private institution which will have the representatives, farmers in each area can consult with it.

Production of berries quite capital-intensive business. To plant hectare of a yagodnik, it is necessary to enclose about 50 thousand hryvnias. Such means even for large-scale enterprises are very considerable. Means, from one-percentage collecting on development of gardening, wine growing and a hmelevodstvo for 70 % go on development of vineyards. Therefore it is necessary to involve credit resources. Even not preferential because Production of berries sverkhdokhodno and doesn’t need privileges. Here the unique privilege - a delay of payments prior to the beginning of commodity fructification is necessary, and these are 3-5 years.

Without cooperation no efforts in this area will lead to success. For now producers of berries – everyone in itself. The powerful processing plants buying raw materials from the population – it is a way unpromising.

As to remember G. Ford’s statement: each plant should have the source of raw materials. Experience of Lviv proves this caution. There were two wine-making plants which worked at an imported grape mash. Both disappeared. And after all once they were offered to pass to production of own berry raw materials. Unfortunately, such examples aren’t individual.

Ukraine has a unique environment to become the state with the powerful plodoyagodny production, which production that is called "in great demand" at the domestic and international consumer.  And, at least, it would be unreasonable this possibility not to use.


 (On materials All Ukraine technical newspaper)