Information role in work of the expert

In a material qualitative and quantitative characteristics of information reveal, the successful example of the correct work with it in a family Rotshildov is given.

Germans speak: Who owns information, that owns a situation, that and the king. Therefore the modern head, the qualified expert looks for constantly necessary information without which it is impossible to receive a certain volume knowledge for performance of this or that task.

Information underlies life. Emergence of human society was accompanied still by big growth of its quantity, but not so genetic, and social. Mankind izobre­lo writing, magnetic, optical and other data carriers. Appeared social pa­myat, analog of genetic memory which also passes from father to son as svoyeobrazyony social genes.

Characteristic example from activity of a family of Rothschild. Five brothers from this family formally were independent from each other, but had the general communication system – mail and messenger service which allowed to receive news about the major political events, about any exchange shocks before all. Ability Rotshildov quickly so­birat data and if it is necessary – and to extend misinformation, played a big role that the house isyotoriya closely intertwined with history of Europe. The family in due time managed to estimate all importance of information for the dealer and the banker. Rotshilda always at 10-12 o’clock ran­she royal ambassadors inform the English government on events. Their express communication was more reliable, than at any great power. According to received information they corrected the financial policy.

What is information?

Information – is set of new data on the world surrounding us.

That information didn’t turn into the capital which is storing in "jug", it is necessary operativyono and competently it to use:

– competently to process;

– to make on the basis of available data "portrait" of the competitor;

– to synthesize a forecast of its intentions and probable actions in the commodity markets interesting firm;

– to estimate probability of real threat to interests of firm in each direction of its deyatelyyonost.

Information – the goods having determined price, and it should participate in commodity turnover.

Money should make money – such is the business law. It is necessary to consider that information has property to grow old and, as a result, to lose an urgency, and it means that the spent money not only won’t bring profit, but also won’t acquit itself. … Information – a type of a productive and intelyolektualny resource. The one who owns it, owns an initiative.

Let’s consider algorithm of information search which includes the following stages: – definition of requirements of governing body, heads of various levels and experts and statement of problems of search according to the purposes;

– collecting (accumulation) of the facts and figures, necessary reference materials;

– storage of these data in such look that it was possible easily and to find and take them quickly, in due time to update and show on request of this or that consumer;

– the analysis of data, data and their transformation to the message according to requirements of potrebiyotel at various levels of hierarchy in a control system;

– operative, timely representation of data and messages in the corresponding form to potreyobitel;

– the grade, received information consumers and their answer to this message.

Collected information should be immediately estimated according to the following characteristics. 1. Qualitative characteristics:

- reliability – nearness to the primary source, absence of distortions and netochnoyosty;

– objectivity – an ochishchennost from distortions (subjective and technical, arisen in the course of transfer and information processing);

– unambiguity – accuracy and a correctness of data. Even reliable and objective information if it is important, it is necessary to recheck;

– relevance – degree of compliance of information to a solved problem, a task;

– a pertinentnost – possibility of its direct use for justification of acceptance of a konyokretny solution.

2. Quantitative characteristics:

– completeness – compliance of number of information to achievement of a specific goal of its use;

– sufficiency – number of information, sufficient for decision justification;

– redundancy – the number of information exceeding its sufficiency for justification of the decision (surplus information – is hindrances for which money is paid).

3. Valuable characteristics of information:

– an urgency – possibility of use of information for permission of a momentary (current) task or use in a concrete studied situation;

– timeliness – compliance to its problem solved "today";

– cost – all expenses upon obtaining information. Its price can appear above kommercheyosky cost of result of its use.

In total more there is a replacement of a material form of the goods with a virtual form in a type of information or services. Information became a base factor of the production, one of the most demanded goods, possession which – a necessary condition of development. Operatively to overcome information limitation, to come into direct contacts between developers, proyoizvodstvennik and investors became possible thanks to the Internet.

At each enterprise there are numerous ambiguous interrelations between pro­blemami and their symptoms. Considering interconditionality and complexity of structure of business which considerably exceeds volume of attention of the head, arriving information should be divided on apprehended, realized both definitely structured and received, but not dopuyoshchenny to understanding. Know-how, intuition and professional intuition here not quite reliable assistants.

(On materials of periodicals).