Situation in dairy cattle breeding

In a note the description of a condition of dairy cattle breeding for November 1, 2008 on areas in the Autonomous Republic Crimea is presented.


As of November 1, 2008 the livestock of cows in all categories of farms made 91,0 thousand goal., that on 600 heads it is less in comparison with the similar period of last year, including in agricultural enterprises – 9,3 thousand goal. – it is less on 1,5 thousand goal. or    13,9 %.

           From 14 areas of the republic lowered a livestock of cows in all categories of farms of 5 areas: Simferopol – for 8 %, Black Sea – for 3,6 %, Razdolnensky – for 3,4 %, Bakhchsarai – for 3,3 %, Dzhankoysky – for 2,1 %.

           In the republic 48 agricultural enterprises go in for dairy cattle breeding. The biggest herd of cows contains in SOOO Friendship of the people of the Krasnogvardeysky area – 991 heads and five more farms have a livestock from 400 to 600 cows.

           Didn’t remain any agricultural enterprise containing dairy herd in the Krasnoperekopsky area. Under the threat of destruction branch of dairy cattle breeding in the Bakhchsarai, Soviet, Belogorsky areas.        

 To level for January 1, 2008 a livestock of cows in agricultural enterprises kept and increased in Kirovsk, Pervomaisk and Soviet areas.  Reduced a livestock of cows (on the republic on 17 %) in the Nizhnegorsky area – by 49 %, Leninsk – for 36 %, Simferopol – for 29 %, Saksky – for 21 %, Belogorsky, Razdolnensky, Black Sea – for 14 %, Dzhankoysky – for 13 %, Krasnogvardeysky and Bakhchsarai – for 7 %.

At such rates of reduction of a livestock of dairy cows in krupnotovarny production in six years it will be completely destroyed.

           Gross production of milk increased by 0,5 % generally at the expense of population farms. If in personal country farms milk increase in production in 11 months of this year made 4 % to level of last year, in agricultural enterprises it decreased for 8 %.

            The state program provided support for two years (2007-2008) of branch of dairy cattle breeding of 3,0 thousand UAH. on 1 cow:

- for a gain of a livestock of cows at the expense of own reproduction;

– for purchase of breeding netel or breeding cows.

           Besides, since 2005, from the Government budget surcharge to agricultural enterprises for bought from the population a telok, received from artificial insemination is allocated.

Reference: cost of a seed of cattle for a private sector is subsidized by the state for 50 %. Bulls only entered in the catalog, with efficiency of mothers from 6000 to 10000 kg are used.

           Delivery of the improved telochka on meat and not its use on the subsequent reproduction is inadmissible. And a commodity economy, having got such telochka, can increase a livestock of cows and receive quality production.

The application of funds, allocated from the state budget of Ukraine on branch development

Despite AR Crimea of a dvapostanovleniye accepted by Council of ministers (No. 99 from March 4, 2008, No. 341 from July 1, 2008) About effective use of the means allocated from the state budget of Ukraine for development of branch of animal husbandry and, in particular, of dairy cattle breeding, actually for 2007 at allocated for increase in dairy cows a limit in 879,89 thousand UAH. 540 thousand UAH are used. (61 % from the allocated sum), including:

– The Krasnogvardeysky area         - 359 thousand UAH;

– Lenin                                     - 51 thousand UAH;

– May Day                                - 20 thousand UAH;

– Razdolnensky                             - 45 thousand UAH;

– The Saksky area                          - 65 thousand UAH.

           In 2008 (as of November 1) at the allocated limit of 3402,2 thousand UAH.

It is used                - 783 thousand UAH.           -2619,2 thousand UAH aren’t used.

Bakhchsarai                                                                             31,5 31,5

Belogorsky                                                                                  63,0 30,0

Dzhankoysky                                                                                         441,0 441,0      

Kirov                                                                                    94,5 94,5

Krasnogvardeysky                                                                   787,6 787,6

Lenin                                                                                 189,0 159,0

Nizhnegorsky                                                                               63,0 63,0

Pervomaisk                       126,0                                                     + 357,0

Razdolnensky                                                                          157,5 97,5

Saksky                                                                                     378,0 378,0

Simferopol                                                                       819,0 726,0

Soviet                                                                                     31,5 31,5

Black Sea                                                                           157,6 157,6

           Partially used a limit of agricultural enterprise of Belogorsky, Lenin, Simferopol, Razdolnensky areas, and farms of the May Day area were beyond a limit.

           According to the Resolution KM of Ukraine No. 575 from June 18, 2007 the changes defining terms of documents acceptance, presented for obtaining the special grant for a gain of a livestock of cows from November 1 to December 31 of this year are made. Them will be accept since January 1, 2009.

           Now agricultural enterprises of the republic have possibility to get 268 telok and netel in breeding farms of the republic (JSC PZ the "Crimean", Crimean institute of agroindustrial production (Klepinino’s page), UO PPZ of Frunze, SPK Red glade, JSC Shirokoye).

           In 2009 participants of the program Selection in animal husbandry will grow up for realization of 420 netel and breeding a telok.

           Wishing to acquire it is necessary to conclude breeding young growth of the contract with breeding farms.

           Even more difficult situation with an application of funds allocated from the state budget of Ukraine on purchase at the population a telok. Purposefully this work is carried out only in Chernomorskomrayon. In two years selkhozpredpriyaty the area it is bought a telok for the sum of 38,2 thousand UAH.

           In 2007 agricultural enterprises of the republic didn’t use 141,0 thousand UAH., in 2008 – 801 thousand UAH.

           All listed directions of support of branch of dairy cattle breeding are put in the draft of the development program of branch of animal husbandry till 2015.

L.Kurtseva, head of department of the organization of production and marketing of production of animal husbandry of the Ministry of an agrarian policy of AR Crimea.