In a consent with the nature

In a note recommendations concerning pest control prevention are made. The factors limiting appearance of wreckers on fields of ecological farms are presented.

Shveyda Ezhi, vegetable growing Institute in Skernevitsa (Poland)

Organic agriculture

By production of vegetables by ecological methods application of chemical preparations for pest control, except for the preparations used in feromonny traps isn’t allowed.

The range of the natural preparations applied to pest control in ecological crops, is very limited, therefore protection of ecological cultures consists first of all in preventive, generally agrotechnical actions:

– soil processing (preseeding, postharvest plowing, cultivation, boronovaniye);

– selection of grades and hybrids steady or tolerant against diseases and wreckers;   

- introduction of organic fertilizers;

– observance of optimum terms of crops, disembarkation of plants and harvesting;

– timely removal of wild-growing plants (before their flowering).

The major factor limiting appearance of wreckers on fields of ecological farms – observance of the correct crop rotation.

Major factors treat:

Rotation – the same culture on the same site can be grown up not more often than time in 4 years to include in a crop rotation the types promoting structurization of the soil (generally from family bean).

Application of the grades steady against wreckers (especially fast-growing) in shoots when plants are most defenseless before wreckers.

Decrease in losses from wreckers on the main culture thanks to simultaneous cultivation of collateral culture (tab. 1).

Mulchirovaniye of row-spacings – the "covered" soil creates favorable conditions for development of wreckers of plants.

Fight against weeds. Flowers of weeds involve a large number of wreckers, including adult insects – the cabbage and onions flies, harmful species of butterflies.

Spatial isolation – prevention of cultivation near the plants damaged by the same wreckers. For example, the kochanny cabbage, leek and onions are surprised tobacco the tripsy; a cucumber, haricot – rostkovy and bean grain flies, a grassy bug.

Prevention of cultivation of the same or related cultures the friend after the friend that allows to prevent, for example, distribution of a stem nematode on onions, garlic, a celery etc.

Prevention of mass development of diseases and wreckers.

All these protective measures only limit development of wreckers. Therefore in ecological farms pest control is carried out by means of the means of protection of plants of a natural origin allowed for use generally by a method of spraying by means of the corresponding equipment.

Application of the preparations received by chemical synthesis, except for the synthetic pheromones used in traps is strictly forbidden.

Now for protection against wreckers there are some insecticides and akaricidov, the frightening-off means containing a bacterium of Bacillusthuringiensis of biological preparations.

Against a plant louse in her mass emergence apply extracts of a nettle and a horsetail with which repeatedly spray a plant with an interval in 4-6 days. Extract of an asphodel is applied against caterpillars, and the extract from a blossoming tansy reduces appearance of flea beetles, plant louses, cockchafer larvae. These extracts aren’t harmless for warm-blooded and the person therefore need further research.

Demand for these preparations exceeds the offer. Therefore in many scientific centers researches for the purpose of receiving new biological preparations are conducted. This connection from group azadiraxtinov, being characterized a wide range of action against the majority of types of wreckers: plant louses, tripsov, flies, caterpillars of a grassy bug, zernovka and Colorado beetle.

Except these actions the zoofagichesky potential of natural wreckers, i.e. parasitizing and predatory insects, spiders and the birds who are constantly present on sites is necessary for ecological vegetable growing. Their activity prevents mass appearance of wreckers of plants.

The important role in biological pest control belongs to pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to use plants traps. For example, on carrots plantations a plant trap is a table beet with which the majority of caterpillars a scoop is fed. Along the edges of a field with onions, vyseyanny seeds, it is accepted to put onions-sevok on which bugs of the weevil in the spring gather.

Table 1

Joint landing of plants

Table 2

Preparations and the active substances allowed for use in ecological vegerable-growing farms.

*Preparaty, registered in Poland.

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