Priority directions of production of beef and development of meat cattle breeding of Russia

Article tells about problems of development of meat cattle breeding of Russia, the reasons of decrease in production of beef and ways of overcoming of the created situation. World experiment on stimulation of production of beef is given.

Amerkhanov H.

Beef in Russia always was and remains a meat front view owing to customs and national structure of the population, and also thanks to high nutritional value. The latest researches revealed new very important for a healthy food of people of quality of beef. So, it is proved that it surpasses other types of meat in the content of protein and such important nutrientov as iron, B12 vitamin and konjyugirovanny linoleic acid (CLA), but in it is no more than cholesterol, than in chicken meat and sturgeon, and a ratio of saturated and nonsaturated fat acids more favorably for human health.

In recent years production of beef in Russia decreased and keeps at level of 1.7-1.9 million t. In many respects it is connected with reduction of number of dairy cattle, the bad organization otkorma superrepair young growth in insufficient scales. Low zootechnical indicators, an adverse situation for animal husbandry in the macroeconomic, increasing disparitet the prices for the fattened cattle, the goods and services for the village, especially a rise in prices for energy carriers, caused economic inexpediency otkorma cattle. In 2000-2005 unprofitability of realization of cattle on meat made 30-35 %. The feeding contingent in the country is annually reduced, as number of dairy cattle main source of receiving beef – steadily decreases at increase of yields of milk. From the point of view of production of milk it is natural process of an intensification of branch.

The main reason, according to authors, an unsatisfactory condition of production of beef and meat cattle breeding the erroneous thesis based on reforms is: the market will adjust all without government intervention. Insolvency of this thesis is disproved by the theory of the market relations and practice of all countries of the world.

The analysis showed that irrespective of public and political system the state regulates processes of economic development, and the success or failure depend on competence and quality of measures of such regulation by market methods.

Now the main aspects of domestic and foreign policy of the USA, Great Britain, France and many other countries are, as a rule, subordinated to protection of economic interests of the state and are realized through these or those programs, projects, the plans realized on the basis of acts. For example, in the countries of the European community the legislative way stimulates production of beef in the volumes exceeding requirements of the population, through system of the budgetary support of farmers (+95 % to the market procuring price for the fattened cattle), at the expense of high protecting barriers to domestic market (to 200-260 % to the goods price), quotas of an import and the raised subsidies for meat export, including to Russia (to 100 % and more to the internal procuring prices).

The particular interest represents development of economy of China. Thanks to a purposeful agrarian policy, planning and the state support this branch in this country develops so successfully that in 10 last years consumption of meat of own per capita production increased in two and reached 45 kg.

The most important problem of domestic zootechnical science and practice is creation of conditions and preconditions for genetic break in meat cattle breeding without which the mechanical increase in number of a livestock at the expense of an import and own resources of success won’t bring. Such conditions treat: creation anew modern infrastructure of branch; development and implementation of the national program of genetic improvement of meat breeds of the cattle, the science based on the latest developments and practicians.

(On magazine materials Meat and dairy cattle breeding).