This oyster mushroom such mollycoddle

In article the technology of cultivation of an oyster mushroom is described: expediency, economic efficiency and features of an agrotechnology.

Oyster mushroom ordinary – non-polluting, quite large mushroom. Grows "joints" in weight of 300-700 g of Soderyozhit high-grade proteins, mineral substances, vitamins, biologically active components. Warns heart troubles, deduces from an organism radionuclides. And still oyster mushroom ob­ladaet excellent flavoring qualities. An oyster mushroom it is possible vy­rashhivat all the year round.

Not to be disappointed in a razyovedeniye of mushrooms, it is necessary to consider that the surprising mushroom – veshen­ka – demands exact observance of conditions of cultivation of a mycelium (mycelium) and its further growth.

The technology is simplest. Poyomeshcheniya where mushrooms will grow, any are used: hothouse, sa­raj, earth hole, loggia, chastyony house. The apartment for these tseyoly is better be not to using!

For cultivation it is enough to get a sowing material: a mycelium, an organic additive, a plastic bag (350-750 mm, volume of 10-12 l) and a substratum (2-2,5 buckets) in which will be ra­sti mushrooms. sintetichesko­go the bag with a substratum will suffice one to plant 2,5-3 mushroom blocks.

Substratum (sawdust, straw, etc.) to fill in big tkaneyovy sintetiyochesky bag (for example, from under a flour, saxa­ra) to place in a bath and it is very good to spill hot (75°S) water. In 12 hours, kog­da the temperature will fall to 25°S, and humidity will be equal 70-75 %, it is possible to start crops. For this purpose to throw out a substratum in a bath, to mix it with organic dobavyoky (according to its instruction). Ra­botat it is necessary only in gloves! Clean hands or a knife to crush a mycelium, to mix it in a bag with a substratum, alternately naklayodyvy one and another, slightly condensing weight, and it is dense za­vyazat a bag. Existence voz­duxa in a bag isn’t admissible! For an exit of fruit bodies of mushrooms in a bag, in a shakhmatyony order, do 3 – 4 cuts in length of 5-6 cm, and also two drainage vni­zu that superfluous water flew down. Mushroom bed goto­va. It is possible to arrive ina­che: to make 5-6 openings in a bag only in three days after landing.

Zarastaniye conditions sub­strata mycelium: darkness (to cover bags from light), tempe­ratura 18-24°C. In 16-20 days in cuts there will be clusters of mayolenky mushrooms. After that mesh­ki transfer to a room, osveyoshchayemy not less than 12 hours per day.

On one square meter it is possible to place from 10 to 20 mushroom beds, depending on height of a ceiling and existence of the stelyolazhy. It is possible to remove 1,5-2,5 kg of mushrooms from each lock, under ideyoalny conditions – 3-3,5 kg.

It is necessary sta­ratsya to maintain conditions: temperatu­ra – 5-30°S, idealyyonaya-10-12°C, a vlazhyonost – 70-90 %. Akyotivnoye airing: the bol­she mushrooms, the should be air more. It is enough sunlight, but it is possible ispolzo­vat an artificial osyoveshcheniye.

In 5-10 days mushrooms gain commodity weight. From their cuts vy­lamyvayut hands, without leaving "roots". After the first wave of a crop in 7-14 days there will be the second, poyoty the third. Optimalyyonye the sizes of mushrooms – diameter of a hat to 6 cm, length of a leg – to 5 see. The perezrevaniye gri­bov are impossible dopus­kat: they lose flesh and become allerge­nami.

In growth osoyobenno it is important podder­zhivat a high vlazhyonost of air. The simplest way – to get a household humidifier. If there is no such possibility, ne­skolko once a day spray bags about cuts. Water shouldn’t get on mushrooms, differently there are dark not commodity stains.

One portion a mitseyoliya is calculated on 10-12 kg of a substratum. In a poyolietilenovy bag 5-7 kg hold.

Substratum basis so­stavlyayut rastitelyyony and wood waste: sawdust, luzga sunflower, straw zla­kov, grechishny peel, kukuruzyony stalks, etc. Sawdust from liyostvenny breeds predpochtitelyyony coniferous as the last contain a large number of the resinous substances which are oppressing and slowing down growth of mushrooms.

Wheat straw – the most piyotatelny for mushrooms Wednesday, but it is necessary for cutting small. It is possible, if at you is travorezka.

To grow up mushrooms in the apartment as it quite often advertize, it is impossible for two reasons: in-peryovykh, it is almost impossible to create conditions for development and growth, secondly, it is unhealthy.

The fulfilled blocks can be applied as compost, a feeding up to animals, birds, fish. It is scientifically confirmed that their use raises uro­zhaj cultures of open soil for 30 percent. All this speaks about really without waste, eko­logicheski pure production.

Note: the landing material can be got in the market, in specialized magazi­nax, at fairs or on objyavyoleniye at experts.