Aspergilez of geese

For gusevodov, planting this bird at itself on farmsteads under a heading medical business is published a material about prevention and treatment of this disease.

Medical business

Medical business

The activator aspergileza – pathogenic mushrooms possesses considerable firmness. When heating by dry steam to 120 °C it perishes through 60, at boiling – in 5 minutes. Disinfectants (formalin, corrosive sublimate 1:1000, 5 of %-ny licked 10 %-ny, kreolin and carbolic acid) reliably neutralize 3 %-naya mushroom disputes in 1-3 hours, antibiotics don’t render on it pernicious action. A disease register at all types of house and many species of wild birds. Mortality of gooses at aspergileze quite often reaches 50-100 % from the diseased.

This process is accompanied by strengthening of incendiary reaction. At destruction dispute and a mycelium of a mushroom are allocated mikotoksiny which influence an organism a humoral way, causing pathological process.

Clinical signs at young growth to 15-daily age are shown sharply, and the illness is accompanied by a mass withdrawal, and at gooses of advanced age, adult geese – chronically. Gooses inactive, stand blindly, yawn. They complicated the breath, progressing growing thin at decrease or lack of appetite. At a chronic disease clinical signs are uncharacteristic. The bird is oppressed, appetite bad, she is tormented by thirst. Efficiency sharply decreases.

In case of disease emergence clinically sick and weak bird isolate and kill on a sanitary slaughter-house. If mouldy forages or a laying became a cause of illness, them replace. In need of sterns before a skarmlivaniye subject to thermal processing process the paraformy. In rooms carry out aerosol disinfection in the presence of a bird or after a face according to recommendations. The eggs gathered in a day subject to processing (secondary) in pairs of formalin. Vyvodnye cases, egg trays, boxes for gooses and other stock carefully disinfect 2 %-nym hot solution of caustic sodium, 3 %-nym solution of odnokhloridisty iodine with the following processing by pairs of formalin. With the medical purpose enter nystatin in a dose of 5-10 mg to gooses and 30-40 mg – to geese. Use also iodide potassium in a dose of 0,3-0,5 kg / on the head. Every day to a bird drink solution of sernokisly copper (1:2000). Process it aerosols of iodide aluminum and jodtrietilenglikolya. One of the main actions of prevention aspergileza – observance of veterinary sanitary standards in rooms and an exception of possibility of development of the activator in sterns and a covering material.

(On materials Veterinary newspaper).