The wide range of questions, connected with ideology of a healthy lifestyle of the person, studies and such science as an ekotrofologiya investigates.
Ekotrofologiya as pioneers of a new science are deeply convinced of Ukraine, should become surely on the guard of health of the population.
Promotion of ideology of a healthy lifestyle promotes accurate functioning of all system of a balanced diet – from receiving non-polluting raw materials for manufacturing of foodstuff before rigid control of safety of technologies which are applied by production and realization to consumers of finished articles.
For safety of foodstuff
For safety of foodstuff
The purpose of the first international scientific and practical conference organized by scientists of ecological faculty of Belotserkovsky state agrarian university – promotion of new ideology of a healthy lifestyle, thanks to accurate functioning of all system of a balanced diet – from receiving non-polluting raw materials for manufacturing of foodstuff before strict control of safety of technologies, kotoryeprimenyayutsya by production and realization to consumers of finished articles.
Shirokiyspektr of the questions connected with an embodiment of these program purposes, studies and such science as an ekotrofologiya investigates.
Pitaniyecheloveka has defining value in his life – the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor T.M.Diman who heads vbelotserkovsky state agrarian university neogenic on her initiative ekotrofologiya chair speaks. We everything to live, without being ill. And for this purpose should eat right. It is a question not only about raznyxdietax. Our purpose – balanced and ecologically safe food.
The urgency of such direction of an ekotrofologiya is caused by a sharpness of an existing problem. Reduction of consumption of natural quality products, in particular, meat, milk, fish, fruit and vegetables, oil, gradually gives a kukhudsheniya of anthopometrical indicators of the population of Ukraine.
Situation simply menacing. So, according to experts, ushkolnikovvyyavleny zamedlenietempov growth, umensheniemassy and objemagrudnoykletka. Sotsialnyeposledstviyanarusheniyapishchevogo of the status among adult population is a disability and disability owing to the accelerated development of such diseases, as atherosclerosis, an arterialnayagipertenziya, insulinozavisimy diabetes and an onkopatologiya.
To a tomuzhenepolnotsennoyepitaniye – one of the reasons of catastrophic distribution vUkraine tuberculosis: on 100 thousand people in our country – 60 patients, whereas vofrantsiya – 6, Great Britain – 9, Poland – 11.
Therefore to questions of ecology of food productions, vnedreniyunoveyshy methods in research of food production, vospitaniyui to erudition in ecology of a food and a zdorovyachelovechestvo owe udelyatsyanaiboly close attention. Quality of a food depends, first of all, on such factors, as ecological safety of environment; threat of toxic pollution of raw materials and finished products; nesovershennyjkontrol behind the content of harmful substances in the materials used in designs of processing equipment, capacities for storage, an upakovkiya of perevozkipishchevy products etc.
Unfortunately, not zashhishhenymy from certain risks when products enrich with additives, uluchshitel, aromatizator, dyes. For the lack of necessary measuring devices and lack of the developed techniques vusloviya of domestic laboratories we not only can’t check them on harmlessness, but even to identify. Therefore prixoditsyarukovodstvovatsyalish accompanying information.
Ekotrofologiya as pioneers new vUkrainenauki are deeply convinced, dolzhnauverenno to become on the guard of health of the population as in the world appears adherents of revolutionary technologies of processing and izgotovleniyapishchevy products, which absolutely not garantiruyutabsolyutny safety of health of consumers more and more.
Pitaniyeimeet not only vazhnoyeznacheny vozdorovleniya of separate national groups, but also vliyaetna sudbytsely people.
(On magazine materials Harchova i pererobna promislovist).