It is better to use irrigation water

In this publication the vice-chairman of Committee on water economic construction and irrigated agriculture P. Dudkov tells that becomes in the Crimea for reduction in readiness of meliorative systems and irrigated lands for an irrigation season.


On March 3, 2006 the President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko signed the Decree No. 187/2006 About measures for development of irrigated agriculture in Ukraine.

Giving special importance of a discussed subject edition asked the vice-chairman of Committee on water economic construction and irrigated agriculture of the Autonomous Republic Crimea of V. Dudkov to add that becomes in the Crimea for reduction in readiness of meliorative systems and irrigated lands for an irrigation season.

In the Autonomous Republic Crimea meliorativnyesistemy were constructed on the area of 397,4 thousand hectares. It allowed to provide stable production of agricultural production in zoneneustoychivy agriculture what our region is.

If to analyse use oroshaemyxzemel, it is in recent years traced steady tendenciyak to reduction of the irrigated areas: in 2003 – 214 thousand hectares or 54 %, in 2004 – 132,5 thousand hectares or 33,3 %, in 2005 – 131,9 thousand hectares or 33,2 %.

In 2006 it is planned to submit water for an irrigation of 144,5 thousand hectares of irrigated lands that makes 36,4 % from existence of the irrigated areas of our republic, 762,6 million m3 of water, including of the North Crimean channel – 745 million m3 of water, from local sources – 17,0 million m3.

From the North Crimean channel for ensuring requirements of industries and the population in 2006 it is planned to submit to bulk reservoirs 129,7 of million m3 of water, and also for a ryborazvedeniye – 26,9 million m3.

Thus, the main attention should be given:

– to safety and trouble-free operation of a water economic complex in tselyakhgarantirovannogoobespecheniyavodoynaseleniye, agricultural and industrial production;

– to increase of reliability of work of reservoirs and water economic systems;

– to observance of conditions of rational use, protection and reproduction of water resources;

– to effective use of irrigated lands and ensuring safety and technological integrity of the intraeconomic meliorative systems broken as a result of reforming of the ground relations;

– to ensuring restoration of statistical supervision concerning harvesting on the reclaimed lands;

– to transfer in accordance with the established procedure in a municipal property of objects of engineering infrastructure of intraeconomic irrigating systems.

So, use of water resources in an economic complex of the Autonomous Republic Crimea with a view of prevention of emergency situations in the republic, ensuring ecological safety of the population, highly effective use of irrigated lands for receiving big crops of the crops, the guaranteed providing the population and economy branches water resources, will promote stabilization of social and economic development of the Crimea.

It is unequivocally possible to tell that without an irrigation development of agricultural production in the Crimea is unpromising. Therefore it is necessary to make every effort to effective use of vivifying dneprovsky water for the good of inhabitants and guests of the peninsula that will be a good gift to the 85 anniversary of creation of Krymvodkhoz which will be marked out on June 4 this year.