In this note it is a question also that leading world machine-building enterprises expand practice of installation of different engines on identical chassis for the purpose of creation of scale of tractors at preservation of unification of base details and knots for satisfaction of requirements of a wide range of customers.
Leading world machine-building enterprises expand practice of installation of different engines on identical chassis for the purpose of creation of scale of tractors at preservation of unification of base details and knots for satisfaction of requirements of a wide range of customers
Leading world machine-building enterprises expand practice of installation of different engines on identical chassis for the purpose of creation of scale of tractors at preservation of unification of base details and knots for satisfaction of requirements of a wide range of customers.
Productivity and profitability of tractors and combines considerably depend on characteristics of the engines established on them.
The design office JSC Avtodvor – Vostochnaya Ukraina performed considerable work on adaptation of various models of engines to tractors and combines and stopped the new choice on engines of the Minsk motor plant (MMZ). On the main indicators they are at level of the best world samples, and at the price are available in the CIS.
Engines of the Minsk motor plant (the D-260.4 series – for tractors and combines, D-262.2S2 – for combines) are well adapted for domestic service conditions, at small dimensions and weight have a high stock of a torque of 25 28 % and rather high reliability.
JSC Avtodvor – Vostochnaya Ukraina developed, made, tested and certificated transitional devices for adaptation of the D-260.4 engine to tractors of production of HTZ of the series T-150, T-150K, T-156, HTZ-120, HTZ-121, HTZ-160, HTZ-17021, HTZ-17221, and also to tractors of production of JSC Agroimport HTA-200.
It is ryadny, 6 cylinder diesel engine, capacity of 210 h.p., with direct injection, a turbo-supercharging, intermediate cooling of air, the vodomaslyanny heat exchanger. D-260.4 engines are rather reliable, adapted for domestic fuels and lubricants and besides in Ukraine the Minsk engines are widespread, therefore don’t need creation of specialized repair base.
The noise level in a tractor cabin on the established operating modes of this diesel engine is lower, than at YaMZ-236M2. As the proof it is served with that on the tractors equipped D-260.4, machine operators autoradio tape recorders started to establish.
Results of bench tests of engines D-260.4 and YaMZ-236m2v Ukr of scientific research institute PITAS of. L.Pogorelogo are presented in the table:
Big (+14,7 %) operational capacity D-260.4 allows to increase productivity of a tractor and to process for too time the big areas. Smaller specific fuel consumption (-14,5 %) shows that the D-260.4 engine also saves fuel.
The stock of a torque provides optimum traction effort and speed of movement of a tractor at nearly 100 %-m use of capacity and high fuel profitability.
By results of bench tests of engines D-260.4 and YaMZ-236M2 curve dependences of change of capacity and specific fuel consumption on frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft are constructed.
In all working range of frequencies of rotation of the D-260.4 crankshaft has big capacity at obviously smaller specific fuel consumption.
E.Smirnov, commercial director of JSC Avtodvor – Vostochnaya Ukraina.