The conveyor of cultivation of a garden radish in the Crimea

In this article the technology of cultivation of a garden radish is given. The grades zoned for the Crimea are given. Economic value of this culture is shown.

Root crops of a garden radish are used in food only in the raw. On food advantage they take a minor place among vegetable plants. Contain 4,4-6,4 % of solids, 1,4-2,3 sugars, 0,6-0,7 celluloses, 0,8-1,3 proteins, 25-30 mg of % of vitamin C (same, as in tomato fruits), B1 vitamin – 0,08-0,12 mg of %. Specific taste of root crops speaks availability of essential oils, and bitterness – some glycosides.

However the garden radish is useful to that improves a metabolism, and containing in it fitoncidy kill many causative agents of different diseases.

Biological features

Garden radish – an annual plant of family krestotsvetny, with very short period of vegetation. It forms suitable root crops for consumption in 25-40 days after shoots. Food value of a garden radish, especially during the early-spring period, is defined by vitamins containing in root crops, mineral salts and enzymes. which just also promote metabolism improvement in a human body. Surprising its precocity allows to cultivate it several times within a year.

The culture of a garden radish quite holodostoyky, badly transfers the increased temperatures and lack of moisture in the top layer of earth. In these conditions the garden radish quickly begins strelkovatsya and doesn’t form a commodity root crop. Therefore at the end of May sowing of a garden radish interrupt and renew at the end of summer – an early autumn.

Seeds sprout at temperature of 2-5 degrees above zero, however optimum is +15… +180S. The zateneniya, fertilizers fresh manure and a unilateral nitric food doesn’t take out. It is impossible to grow up after cabbage plants.

Now in the Crimea such grades of a garden radish are zoned: Dungansky 12/8 – for autumn sowing; Red with a white tip; Rubin.

Garden radish cultivation

It is exacting to fertility of the soil which should be friable and very well processed. It usually place in the spring as the predecessor of the main culture – pepper, a tomato, an eggplant, a cucumber, summer crops of carrots, a beet, etc. In the autumn the garden radish is repeated culture. Therefore, as a rule, soil preparation, application of fertilizers carry out under the main culture when sowing carrots, a tomato and others.

In the spring the soil carefully level, harrow a rake. At repeated culture in the autumn introduce mineral fertilizers: ammoniac saltpeter – 15-20 g, superphosphate – 20-30 g, potash salt – 10-15 g on 1 sq.m of the area.

Sowing terms

In the presence of semi-warm hotbeds or small greeneries a garden radish start to sow in January – February. In cold constructions sow in September-October, with row-spacings of 10-12 cm, norm of 1,5-2 g on 1 sq.m. Depth of seal of seeds 2-2,5 see.

In open soil spring sowing of a garden radish carry out as soon as possible, at the first exit to a site. The soil for this purpose prepare since autumn. Sow according to the same scheme, as in the warmed soil, and also broadband way, with distance between centers strips of 25-30 cm, etc. Norm of seeding of konditsionny seeds of 2-3 g/m2, depth of their seal – 2-2,5 see. After sowing the soil prikatyvayut (condense) for the best contact to seeds. If necessary leave paths in width of 40-50 cm for convenience at care of plants and harvesting. Spring seedings carry out to 3-4 terms with an interval of 12-15 days, but not later than the end of May. It will allow to prolong the period of receipt of root crops from a bed.

Care of plants in vegetation is simple. It is reduced to a prorezhivaniye (at zagushchenny sowing), leaving between plants among distance of 4-6 cm, watering in 5-7 days norm of water 20-25 of l/sq.m, to removal of weeds, soil loosening in row-spacings, fight against a flea beetle and a cabbage fly by dusting of leaves of a garden radish by the wood ashes sifted through a dense sieve (diameter of a cell of 0,6-0,8 mm), or spraying by the resolved preparations with the short period of expectation.

At garden radish cultivation in a hotbed or a telitsa support good illumination, especially at winter seeding, regularly air, weed, water.

Autumn sowing of a garden radish start in the first decade of September. Lead him to 2-3 terms with an interval of 10-12 days. Observe the same agrorequirements, as at spring sowing. However grades use with the shortest period of vegetation.

Care of crops is similar to the spring. At sharp decrease in air temperature water less often.

Vyseyanny garden radish late autumn in cold hotbeds at steady decrease in temperature to 2-5°S cover with frames.

In the warmed soil (late autumn and in the winter) from shoots before emergence of the first real leaflet air temperature support within 6-8, then 10-15°C, and at the beginning of formation of a root crop raise to 16-20°C. Provide ventilation and having watered with warm water. At a poor development of plants them feed up in a phase of mass setting of a root crop at the rate of 10 g/m2 of nitric, phosphoric and potash fertilizers.


Harvesting of a garden radish carry out usually to 2-3 receptions, in process of formation of root crops. After each collecting the remained plants water. It is important to clean a garden radish in due time, without allowing a zagrubeniye of root crops and formation of emptiness in them. Root crops pull out with a tops of vegetable and knit in bunches on 20-25 pieces. Diameter of a commodity root crop of 2-4 cm (depending on a grade). Productivity – 2-3 kg/sq.m. A garden radish – culture rather profitable.

Thus, applying spring, autumn and winter seedings of a garden radish in some terms during every period, with use of the warmed soil, it is possible to create the conveyor of its receipt within 8-9 months. However the garden radish uses the greatest demand during the winter and early-spring periods.

A.Nedbal, candidate of agricultural sciences.

Crimean experimental station of vegetable growing of Institute of the southern vegetable growing and melon growing.