Carrots on a bed – health as it should be

The school of the vegetable grower in detail tells about carrots cultivation

UDC 635

Best of all carrots grow after early potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, bean, it is desirable to sow closer to onions. She prefers fertile lungs and srednesuglinisty soils with a large amount of ashes. And a bed – on the sun, on a breeze. Before perekopky it is expedient to bring on 1 sq.m 5kg humus, 20 g of urea, 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of chloride potassium.

           Seeds of carrots contain essential oil which doesn’t pass water to a germ therefore it ascends in 2-3 weeks. In order that in 3 times to accelerate carrots germination, it is necessary to warm up 20 minutes seeds in hot water (500), 3 of hour to sustain in daily infusion of wood ashes – 1 tablespoon on 0,5 l of water, then to dry up.

Crops: the mattock forms grooves across a bed by depth in 4-5 cm, at distance of 22-25 cm, on a bottom scatter granules of superphosphate 6 of g/m2, close it the soil that depth of a furrow was 1-1,5 cm, and after it sow seeds – zagushcheno, because of low them vsxozhesti. To water – if there is a heat and the soil dries up, if weather without an extreme – it is necessary to water less often that roots went deep into.

When 2 real leaflets grow, to thin out plants, leaving between them 3 cm that they oppressed each other less. If at a prorezhivaniye it became clear that backs weak, give top dressing of calcic saltpeter of 1 h. l. on 10 l of water, and next day all bed sprinkle with ashes. Again plants thin out on 4-6 cm at growth of 3-4 real leaflets, and precisely top dressing also becomes. And before and after podkormok row-spacings water on 2-3 l/sq.m. The last top dressing becomes on leaves in the form of a shock dose of superphosphate of 4 tablespoons on 10 l of water – for the strengthened outflow of nutrients from a tops of vegetable in root crops. At any stage of vegetation at the outlined drowning of a tops of vegetable plants are given a mix of 1 h. l. chloride potassium and 2 h. l. superphosphate on 10 l.

It is important to take care of protection against a carrot fly for what after each prorezhivaniye of plants close up openings in the soil, it is not less than 1 time to dust in a week of a bed g/m2 ashes 70, and also to spray a coniferous concentrate of 2 tablespoons on 10 l (1,2 kg of needles, fir-trees or pines to fill in 5 l of hot water to sustain 5 days to dissolve in 2 times). Perfectly frightens off a carrot fly infusion of turpentine of 1 tablespoon on 10 l of water – to water ryadka once a week. After waterings and rains it is necessary to hill carrots as fruits become bare, turn green and become bitter.

Cleaning start, when the bottom leaves start to turn yellow. If on root crops there was a white beard of young backs, carrots perespeet and won’t be juicy.

The success of the truck farmer defines a grade. Amsterdam – it is steady against cracking, at late crops it is not bad stored. Nantes-2, Vitamin-6, Losinoostrovskaya-13, Nantes – improved, Samson, Leandro, the Cardinal, the Queen of autumn and Malik is the best grades.

On magazine materials House, garden, kitchen garden.